Same issue in samsung j8
Same here on LG Premiere Pro
I restarted my phone default settings, donwloaded hearthstone, and try to play… 4 crashes in 2 matches this is a joke, my phone requeriments are good, i dont understand what you did with the last patch, but congrats blizzard, this is the first time that i dont want to play your game
Model: HUAWEI P smart 2019
Android: 9
It crash back to desktop, and after this i need load game again.
There is another issue. At the beginning loading is lagging and take some time to start the game.
Device: Samsung Galaxy S7 G930F
Android OS version: Android 8.0.0 (Security Patch Level 9/11 2019)
What was happening on the screen: Different scenarios:
- Before mulligan (after wait screen)
- Right after click on end of turn button
- After card play (do not know which)
Still freezing & going black for me. There was a day late last week (Thursday perhaps?) that it seemed to be better for a while, but that didn’t last long.
Two of my three Arena Run losses were directly due to a freeze in the middle of the game. The last one said it had reconnected me, then froze again!
I cannot express how frustrating this is.
I appreciate the update, but would appreciate the fix a lot more.
Is there aproximately a date for the upcoming patch? The situation Is unbearable!
What compensation will be given to players affected by this? I’ve lost a dozen games of arena now because of it.
While you could say to stop playing arena, this is the first format this year that I have actually enjoyed the mode. We only get 1 month to play it before it goes back to a format that I absolutely hate.
Is there a development with the black cards bug too?
**Device make/model: samsung galaxy tab A
**Android OS version: Android 9
**What was happening on screen when the crash occurred: Stop the image, sound continues. At anytime and i have to restart the app
And what about ranking lost? Quests? Gold not farmed? Events? Time Lost? Frustration?
Same issue with brand new Huawei Y6 2019.
It worked fine with 4 years old Asus ZOOD 2, i thought it’s the phone issue till i find this topic.
Game randomly freezing ,sometimes after 10sec in menu, sometimes i will manage to finish one game, but usually freezes in middle of game.
I tried install from google store, then uninstall tried Amazon strore, even worse , then i tried some *.apk i found on web
still not working properlly so gave up…
**Device make/model: HUAWEI Y6 2019
**Android OS version: 9
**What was happening on screen when the crash occurred: it’s super random , freezing can occur at menu, in game when im playing cards, or opponent was playing some cards, though it was some kind of animation bug , then it froze at menu so prolly not the thing. EDIT> oh yea music is always working like some1 posted above, when you try to jump out and back its shows only black screen after with music playing
Device make/model: Samsung A 6 plus
Android version: 9
What was happening on screen when the crash occurred: it freezes and nothing happens unless i close and reopen the game. It crashes during tavern, solo games… there’s no spesific time… it’s crazy…
So many manufacturers here…so Acti/Blizz/King doesnt have testers before they release it to public ? It’s unbeliavable , this error would have been revealed in first 10min of testing on adroid devices…
Device make/model: Samsung Galaxy J3
Android OS version: 9
Random Freezes during metchs, moving cursor or alone.
Device make/model: Moto g5 Plus
Android OS version: 8.1.0
What was happening on screen when the crash occurred: Random crashes on all screens (tavern, arena, shop, collection, single player, ranked, etc). I have done a factory reset if there phone, updated all the apps, then reinstalled Hearthstone and the issue persisted. This issue did not occur until recently (the first time I recall is right after the Halloween event started)
Moto G7 Play XT1952-4
Android 9
Build: PPYS29.105-134-2
· During initial loading.
· During any menu transition.
· During any menu or in-game animation.
· During any point of idle.
It can happen any time. Sometimes it will take 3-5 tries to make it as far as being in a PvE match, then surprisingly let you play for a solid 20 minutes before happening again.
Thank you for your efforts, this has been plaguing me for what feels like roughly 2 weeks. I truly appreciate knowing you guys are on the case. Knowing it’s not only myself experiencing these client issues also brings a sense of comfort and assurance that ultimately you will resolve the issue.
Same for me.
Freezes only in matches. Have to restart the app.
Huawei P9-EVA19
Android 7.0
Moto g6
Android 9
Game is freezing during matches. Only remedy is to close the app and restart it.
Problem started happening after the update which had the new version of unity.