An Update on Demon Hunter

Are you high? It has lifesteal. The only other weapons that have had lifesteal were buildaround Rogue weapons. Imagine if Warrior was given a weapon that gave him armor based on damage. You’d think it s pretty OP. 2/2 lifesteal weapon for 3 is still good considering how DH can add attack.


because the main problem is not the 3 or 4 cost.

the main problem is the 3 charges.

Because that 1 charge is 3 more damage/healing, that 1 charge is 1 more round of free weapon activators.

In short, that 1 durability is MUCH more impactful than 1 mana.

I didn’t say it doesn’t do “anything” i said that it would still be too good even at 4 mana for all the synergies it has with the class.

I do think that 5 mana would be too much on the other hand.

So, i don’t think that tweaking the cost would have been effective: 4 cost is too little, 5 cost is too much.
Durability on the other hand, i do feel that a 3 cost weapon being a 2/2 lifesteal, with additional upsides from synergy, is good enough of a card.


Warrior isnt even comparable since they have armor. Demon hunter is relying on 30 health meanwhile trying to trade with face as often if not more than warrior. It needs that survivability.

Shouldn’t we get some dust or packs for beta testing the game? :wink:


Other cards have been so broken DH doesn’t even get around to Coilfang. Maybe now we’ll start seeing it break games.

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You literally said 1 mana increase doesnt do anything

We disagree on that:

when a class has so much tempo, it certainly doesn’t need survivability and clears on TOP of said tempo.

As for it’s controling aspects, give them a 8+ cost lifesteal card if there’s a need for that.

can’t you infer what i meant? Really?

“doesn’t do anything THAT MATTERS in the context of the rest of my posts about the change enough to be even mentioned”

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I’m so tired. These nerfs are so weak…


Well sure but the problem isnt the healing with demon hunter its that it has too much tempo over every other class. It clears the board way too easily and meanwhile gets setup pretty much instantly, turn after turn. The current nerfs are a step in the right direction but the outcast mechanic in general is busted.

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ding ding ding

that 1 durability exactly makes it so that they CAN’T easily clear the board with their face. Both due to the lack of said 2-extra points of removal and due to the loss of 3 extra health.

Rogue also has a lot of tempo. Guess what he lacks: controling and healing tools alongside it.


Be patient. The last thing we want is another overnerf like Galakrond Shaman, especially for a new class. These are great. Time and again we’ve seen a huge effect from from 1 mana nerfs. Keep in mind more balance changes are coming in about a week.


Weak nerf, but hopefully this is just the tip of the iceberg because it was all they could change in short order. Remove life-steal, remove taunt, re-balance minion stats to give them all 2-1/3-2 attack/defense ratios. DH needs to use minions to clear and hero to hit face. If this is supposed to be the most aggressive aggro class, build it as such.

I was happy with all my packs I preordered, made a list of cards and classes I wanted to play and enjoy. Then all the demon hunters started to take all the meta and if you don’t play heal priest or demon hunter, you can’t win. This are small nerfs compared of what this class really need. All the cards are good compared with every single other basic and classic pack in other classes, I guess I will quit the game until it’s fixed, I don’t enjoy a game that is only 2 classes in the meta and every other single class doesn’t stand a chance.


The 3-6 rushes with the 3 damage on death minion is the big problem here that blizzards not addressing. That combo just clears the enemy board like it was nothing, then you have the 5/10 roided batterhead but you’re too busy worrying about the 3 mana 2/3 wep.

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Outcast is a concern. It may be hard to balance. It doesn’t have to be busted though. Just nerf outcast rewards. I’m glad to see they’re willing to do that with Eyebeam.

These changes do virtually nothing to constructed and how strong DH is.

They don’t touch the OTK variant. They barely touch the mid rangey/agro variant.

As for the nerfs, if you didn’t understand, 1) you need to nerf the mana reduction component on Skull of Guldan.

  1. You need to remove/change how much incidental FACE DMG cards like Imprisoned, Priestess, and Altrius do.

  2. You also probably should consider nerfing the stats on the bodies of these minions that clear board and deal face dmg turn after turn and are MUST KILL minions.

It’s hard to say a 10/6 body needs to be nerfed when the 10 dmg Volcano that hits only the opponents side and goes face needs a stat reduction–because the effect itself is so grossly overtuned–particularly since you cannot interact with this effect at all.

  1. You should also look at a 1 mana 2/2 thats attack permanently grows–I thought you learned from Mana Wyrm, Tunnel Trogg, Undertaker…but I guess not.

  2. The 1 mana Hero Power itself is a bit of an issue. But I can also see wanting that for class flavor. But it makes it very difficult for many classes to even get onboard in the early game.

  3. This doesn’t even touch other cards that are undercosted and overstated like Blade Dance and Twin Slice. DH is so imbalanced that we aren’t even able to seriously look at cards that are moderately broken.

Please, actually balanced this class. Don’t just leave extremely broken stuff in at 1 mana more. It just makes the matchups all the more polarizing.

Actually, you know, design a balanced class.

P.S. You guys knew about this. Celestalon was posting on streamers chat weeks and months ago that DH was too strong. And now you do a half-a’d nerf?



Wrong decision, and the market knows it (Activision’s stock dropped 0.11% because of this decision)

I’m selling their stock right now.

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Remember the 9 mana legendary dragon. If kept in hand for few turns it’s basically better Dragonqueen Alexstrasza with no highlander requirement. It will become a problem later.

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Those nerfs aren’t even remotely enough…GG, two more weeks of this while you keep an eye? No thanks.

Hardly. That card needs to sit in your hand for several turns despite what it says, it does not count each seperate friendly minion death in a turn. Its janky and there are some really bad lowrolls with that card and you don’t get the battlecries like with alextraza.

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