An Update on Demon Hunter

In my opinion the Imprisoned Antaen and Eye Beam nerfs are needed,but I don’t like the other 2.Blizzard just never wants us to have 5 mana draw 3,huh.

5 mana draw 3 is pretty awesome. I think if the Outcast part is removed, it could be left at mana 5 though it still would be powerful.

Nerfing the interaction between Imprisoned Anatean at 5 mana and Priestess at 7 mana was a necessary thing. The problem was the synergy that happened when you played both on curve. Imprisoned Anatean went dormant on 5, so you hand your opponent tempo for the next turn. But when it woke on 7 it immediately dealt 10 damage randomly split between your opponents. Then if you played Priestess the same turn you dealt an ADDITIONAL 6 damage randomly split on turn 7. The problem wasn’t so much that anatean dealt 10 damage but the combined damage between the pair was close to double that . It completely wiped out an opponents board and left both a 10/6 and a 6/7 that would fire its 6 damage off again every turn on the board. That was too overwhelming.

They chose not to nerf priestess, which is fine. By moving Anatean up 1 mana they broke the combo where the pair fired off silmultaneously, which is all that was needed. Of all things, that was one of the most problematic interactions of all. Demon Hunter still has tons of over the top cards for the cost. Lets let the meta ride out before asking for more.

Preordering 50/80 packs to get two Rare cards seems like overkill.


Obviously the pre order was also so i have a good chance to get the other cards needed to fill out the deck, or at least, have enough dust to craft the legendarys like Kayn and Metamorphosis.

Like i said, I understand the need to nerf, but as with EVERY GAME EVER KNOWN TO MAN, if enough people complain, nerf bats come out. There are plenty of other combos available right now on all other classes that are just as powerful, either early or later in the game. But I agree, lets leave this season play out at least and see whats comes of it.

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Neither Kayn nor Metamorphosis have been nerfed, and DH decks seem to be doing OK even after the nerfs, so clearly the class isn’t broken. What’s the issue again?

What combos exactly? I mean reliable combos for classes that arent smashed to pieces around turn 6-9 by DH (or any other deck, if there is any other reliable deck able to do that)

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I never said those 2 were nerfed, i said i wanted to make sure I had enough dust to craft them or pull them, hense why I Pre Ordered. The issue was cards like Skull of Guldan, Imprisoned Antaen and Eye Beam were key reasons i Pre Ordered to build this deck

Well…when they released the cards for preview, I was pissed Skull of Guldan isnt epic rarity because it was clear that one is going to get nerfed in the first week :frowning:

Same as other cards I have predicted to get smashed very early - Antaem, Priestess - rare rarity only…

Atleast the Eye Beam was nerfed (I have 1 golden copy ,2 normal so finally some good news - its epic)

Now I am hoping Kayn would get mauled because I have it as golden. That dust refund would be amazing though I do not think it would get hit, but man…that would be nice dust

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Tasty dust.
Gimme more!

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What I’m getting at from reading the comments is check back in a month when things might hopefully be balanced. Doesn’t sound like much will change until they issue more nerfs.

If some of you look at hsreplay now demon hunter doesn’t have the highest winrates anymore. Top are galak warlock, big druid and res priest at least for now. Don’t think they’re gonna nerf demon hunter into the ground like Galak Shaman when the class just came out. I haven’t lost to a dh yet playing warlock.

Soo… Skull of Gul’dan is just a Nourish but with an OP effect; Eye Beam is a Life Drain but costs 2 less, deals and heals for one more; Imprisoned Antaen is a Reno but costs one less, has 2 turns of dormant(which is good), and 5 more attack points… The problem of Feast of souls allowing DH to draw 4 cards, Altruis being a 3 mana for a 3/2 have the ability to kill all small enemy minions, Battle Fiend being a 1 mana for a 2/2 that gets pumped up, Sigil Runner being a 1 for a 2/1 draw a card…
Well atleast it’s a start

This is my first time post on this board with my poor english

I love to play arena but i cant enjoy arena anymore since DH patch released

Arena is already destroyed and i hate every game face with DH

even after this nerf

where is ur proof of that?

i actually agree with you there with the removal of the outcast, half the time it hits cheap things in the deck anyways

they have already said they will be nerfing about half the other dh cards just to make the crybabies happy

Even if it discounts 1 mana cards its bloody OP compared to other cards powerlevel

Antaen needs to just be removed. There is no way to interact with dormant minions so you cant prevent it from going off.