An Update on Demon Hunter

Antaen is not rly playable anymore. Getting wrecked all the time. Only Kaelthas DH is playable now, which already was one of the best DH decks.

False advertisement!

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I hope fast nerfs are a new trend, not a single share.

cool, needs way more.

I found the Demon Hunter player!!!

can you guys recommend some good games to play atm?


Final Fantasy VII remake comes out in 15 hours 47 minutes. That will be what I play for the next couple of months. Maybe Demon Hunter’s win rate will be below 60% by then with a few more rounds of nerfs. Or better, maybe they will remove the whole class from the game.

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Legends of Runeterra is coming out of beta soon. Its pretty fun and it sees balance changes constantly. Also its one of the best card games to pick up on the side to see if you like it and want to stay. Since launch i have not put a single dollar in the game and i have almost (need 8 total and only 2 out of those i actually want) all the champion cards(legendary equivalent). And i can even craft them if i want i’m just saving the mats because i don’t really need them to play the things i want. They already showed some new cards too. I have been playing it instead of this and i’m enjoying it. I understand if you are a streamer and your money depends on hearthstone that you wouldn’t play runeterra, specially when hearthstone somehow has both the card game and bg in the same twitch tab. Burying other card games under it with its bloated numbers(a week before this xpac the top 15 streamers viewers wise under HS all playing BG). But for a regular player, don’t feel tied down to bad games. Go give it a try, you might enjoy it. There’s also magic the gathering. Getting into this one is much more expensive than HS to play somewhat competitive. And also there’s other types of games. Warzone is pretty fun and new. And its also free.

Crusader Kings. Rimworld. Hearts of Iron.
I love strategy games.

I forgot, i always recommend this one. If you have not played it yet, and don’t mind a challenge. Hollow Knight is in my opinion a 10/10 and one of the best games ever. Specially in its genre.

This is not OK, i understand the need to nerf when a nerf is needed but this ruined a deck i pre ordered specifically for 3 of these 4 cards, i saw the potential and was excited to play the deck. I have played and lost 5 since logging on today solely because I couldnt play Hand of Gul’dan or Imprisoned Antaen. They basically took away the decks mid game and made them late game except DH dont have ramp up to mitigate some of this nerf.

OMG so many cheap minions and they all have Battlecry and cheap spells with Draw cards. After you past turn 6 PLZ no priestess of fury and you will see it 6/7 you will get 6 damage if you can remove it next turn something more OP if priestess of fury stay on board 6/7 and 6 more damage .THIS IS SAD.

Okay, so I pre-ordered the expansion for 80€ and I haven’t had time to play till right now, cause I work in a hospital for Corona victims and I came home today and wanted to finally play the Demon Hunter. And what I got right now is a nerfed version of it so I never had the chance to play the unnerfed version. This is not okay! I want to play the original cards without increased mana costs RIGHT NOW OR MY MONEY BACK!!! It’s super unfair to nerf a thing THAT FAST so not everybody has even the slightest chance to actually play it!

What about refunding preorders?

DH hunter cards were low rarity or free

and find it hard to believe they rejected your refund request

unless you opened the packs as far as i know opening them is the one thing you shouldnt do if you want a refund

DH is still way out of control. Playing Galakrond Warrior, I played 5 taunt minions in 6 turns and still died on turn 7. That’s just stupid.

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I have never been fan of fps like this one but man…I am glad I have avoided HS preorder because DOOM bundle was bloody hell good choice.

Rip and tear!!! :smiley:

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Thats just an aggro deck, the DH aggro does not depend on the nerfed cards.

I don’t get it with this class… insane board control tools, insane draw, insane burn, insane healing, and to top it off a 1 mana silence and draw a card. Wonder what Brode is thinking?

I thought Res Evil 3 would keep me occupied to decide if i wanted to pre order or not, epic fail, games lasts 6 hours :slight_smile:

That’s why I said it’s still way out of control.