Amazing how rigged this game is

Sadly … we don’t need to stop with that “garbage” as you call it … because is Data … if most sites are saying that according to Data the deck doesn’t perform as strong … then what do you want Blizzard to do ??? they actually did some fixes as long as the data showed the deck was too strong.

DH has the best tempo in the game … yet it loses hard against Warrior … it can lose against Hunter and Rogue … hell, Paladin is getting better at figthing back with tons of healing.

Does that mean DH is weak ??? hell no, is not weak … at all. It performs well enough to be a Tier 2 deck … which it means is capable to win most matches with a good hand, again … not an opinion, Data. So yeah, is not that much of an issue.

It is most of the time if you’re not playing the right deck.

I do agree with this … sadly, that’s Hearthstone and that’s how it has have been from many years now… in that regard, i think this goes beyond DH, the game stopped from being a game where you needed to carefully trade minons in order to gain board control to being way too Tempo oriented, full control … or plain RNG.

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I mean, shadowverse is anime hearthstone
elder scrolls legend is elder scroll hearthstone
Horus Heresy is warhammer hearthstone

And more than that, most digital collectible card game uses a mmr system and requires you to draw cards from your deck. You know, two of the things that are accused of being rigged

I think if WoTC could have made a way to draw a guaranteed card on a certain turn they would have done it in the early 2000s. They would have made a fortune on it too. TCGs cant be influenced once printed. Online CCGs can. I’m sure you knew that but still wanted to point out the difference. And manipulating the win rates to be around 50% will frustrate the playerbase enough to potentially make them buy more cards, hoping their new purchases will help them be more successful. The payoff is huge when you consider that this is happening on a global scale.

Then do you think MTG Arena is rigged ?
Or other online CCG ?

Really gonna need evidence for that.

if you need the evidence so badly…by all means, go seek it. However please don’t invalidate my player experience based off of your need for data. Find your own answers instead of trying to tear down someone else’s

You made a claim. I’m just asking you to back it. I’m not destroying your player experience, just asking you to expand it with evidence.
It’s not my job to go look for evidence, as it is your claim.
I have my own opinion on the matter, but since I do not announce it, I have no need to back it up.

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I never made any claim as you put it. I quoted a Blizzard developer on the matter. There’s your evidence. As for destroying my experience you can’t and I didnt say you were trying. I said you invalidated my experience which is something different. Basically what you did is say my experience is incorrect because I didn’t offer evidence of it.

Generally, when somebody quotes someone else (say, a Blizzard developer) the person being quoted is named. Alternatively, the interview/news article/podcast/tweet where the quote comes from is specified, or preferably referenced directly. In other words, some evidence should be provided to demonstrate where the quote came from. Otherwise, it can easily be dismissed as a fabrication.



Unless you just signed up your account recently, we ALL know which interview I was referring to. Forgive me for giving some people too much credit.

I think demon hunter is a popular class right now is why you see them all the time.

A bit off topic but I wanted to share my 2 cents.

I’ve played Hearthstone for a long time and during that time I’ve invested a lot time and money into the game. I just love Blizzard and a big fan of their games. However when people started trashing on Blizzard I was a bit surprised and didn’t believe in it. I mean this is the company that I grew up with starting from diablo 2 and starcraft. I have so many good memories of those games so Hearthstone was a no brainer. However, I noticed despite putting so much time and money into the game it doesn’t pay off. When a new expansion comes out I always get their bundles but after opening them I’m so shocked of how much more I need to spend to complete the decks I want to play. My cousin started Runeterra (not a fan yet) and he’s unlocked all their hero cards without paying a dime. Maybe you guys are right about Blizzard/Hearthstone. It’s just not worth it.

I still love the game but I’m pretty sure this is the last expansion I’ll be playing with HS. I’ll still watch my favorite streamers play the game but at the end I just want to say, yea you guys are right–time to move on.

What decks do you even want to play? If you’re getting pre-order bundle or whatever, you should be getting lots of dust out of it, and therefore should be able to craft a deck you like. Hell, even as a FTP player, who only bought the solo adventures, I could craft a pretty competent Shaman deck with multiple legendaries back during Shamanstone.

I have no clue what interview you refeer to. I guess I should thank you for giving me this much credit, however I fail to see why I should know of any interview about HS to have an old acount.

Really ?

Those terms have a close meaning, don’t they ?

You can’t compare a new game to market, that has the successes and failures of others to improve on and the wallets to bribe as many customers as they can in the first year of play. To a game that is simply trying to maintain a player base.

It’s like a new wireless carrier opening up in Canada. They open their doors and give away everything they can in order to grab market share. What eventually happens is they file for bankruptcy and get bought out by one of the other major communication companies. Everyone thinks the grass is greener on the other side and it rarely turns out to be for long. Mostly because people are to lazy to do their own maintenance.

But I ramble…

Blizzard is pretty good about giving you chances to earn free packs and their prices are fairly reasonable for expansions. That wasn’t my OP gripe. Takes a lot of money to run a game… you have millions of people on servers, you have to pay your coders and your artists, your staff and still turn a profit. I completely get that and I support by buying their expansions. My gripe was how rigged the system is. It is rigged to let you win a little and then crush you.

Another thing that bothers the crap out of me, is how when i build a new deck I’m just killing it in casual, the cards flow and then soon as I get to ranked, they’re dealing me high cost cards while the other player’s deck are getting all the low cards they need. This is constant. I can’t get past Gold 1 this month. It’s driving me crazy. So when i want to win more I play a Priest resurrect deck I built called Revenant.

One thing I did notice is certain times of day are more conducive to winning than others. It was like that with another game I used to play called Battle Bay. I’ve also learned that when you lose a few games in a row, stop playing. LOL I just move to casual.

That might be true if they didn’t just lay-off like 800 people from said departments at Blizzard. This is Activision corporate’s influences at work, cut overhead to increase profits.

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If you can’t get out gold, you don’t have good skillset for the game. Whey the new system implemented I reached legend both standard and wild. Even the previous system I reached at least rank 3 even with meme decks.
Do not blame the rigged rng, if you can’t play.

no it’s called cheating … players ARE USING DECK TRACER PROGRAM. i don’t like it when PEOPLE CHEATS …how do you feel when someone CUTS YOU OFF when you are driving or cutting in line ?? …THAT’S ANOTHER FORM OF CHEATING !! …

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