Amazing how rigged this game is

That just sounds like you’re bad at the class, or you just got a series of bad match-ups.


100% Rigged Game, when the game wants you to lose, you will lose. As simple as you will get the worst cards in your initial deck and draws, and your opponent not.


Hate to point this out but honestly that’s how life works in general. When it’s your time to lose you lose. Fortunately when it’s your time to win you win.

You can mitigate your circumstances by trying to craft things in your favour, highest winrate decks across each class/deck, closely monitor your bracket for who is playing what decks the most, review your games and adjust, take a break and come back with a fresh mind…

It’s never personal. Remember that

That sounds great, if it weren’t for the fact that apart from the fact that it is very evident that the game does not work by chance alone, Activision has a "System and method for driving microtransactions in multiplayer video games " patent. Companies want your money, and 2 +2 = 4, whoever doesn’t want to see it, is a fool xD


Nope. These noobs can lose even in this case. Wrong trades, missing lethal, etc.

Not arguing that they have the technology out there to do it. I just don’t see a difference between my FTP account and my main account. I’m ranked the same on both and my tracked win/loss rates are essentially the same across the decks I’ve been able to make on both.

I do believe that the game does make game enhancing draws, by prioritizing cards when they are shuffled, but I don’t see any evidence that it is targeted against one player or another.

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Of course that can be true. But let’s assume that the people posting can generally navigate their decks in a reasonably average way… so +/-2% of the deck winrate.

The illusion happens when people aren’t tracking their games at all. They think they’ve just lost against the last 3 or 4 opponents because of a hidden agenda targeting them specifically. But honestly outside of MMR throttling I can’t really see a point to it. There are better ways to push micro-transactions other than punishing your player base. People tend to leave games they aren’t enjoying and losing isn’t enjoying.

The game is designed so that there is a balance between winning enough to motivate you to keep playing, and losing so that you get frustrated and pay. If you allways lose, you leave the game, if you allways win, you dont need to pay. First they make you win to become addicted to it, and then they frustrate you with defeats at key moments (promotion games for example). I know many cases thats theres no way its pure RNG.


I don’t understand what they are forcing people to pay for though? It doesn’t make them navigate a deck any better. The only thing that drives the purchase of packs and such is to have access to whichever tier deck is doing best at that time. Hence nerfs and such to drive profits vs a win/loss scenario, in my opinion only of course.

Again, I totally agree that the win/loss of a deck is determined at shuffle and as long as you can read what is coming out of your deck and make the fewest errors in doing so, you win. That comes from knowing your deck, the opponents possible deck (which you confirm as they play) and adjusting as need be.

I absolutely understand your point of view beyond that and don’t deny it’s possibility however.

I like it when you play against a Pirate Warrior.

Turn 1 Imprisoned Gan’arg. Shocker.
Turn 2 Armor
Oh Look, they have and equipped Ancharrr on turn 3 again. They attack on 3 get a Pirate.
They Attack on turn 4 get a Pirate.
From basically no board to
Imprisoned, Sky Raider, Sky Raider, Parachute Brigand, Parachute Brigand, Dread Corsair, Bloodsail Corsair, and play Weapon Upgrade.

Wow that was a very skilled game of Hearthstone.
Turn 5 adds Southsea Pirate, Southsea Deckhand… Thanks 1 2 3 Rigged RNG for Ancharrr every game.

Game before that was Quest Theft Rogue
Bazaar Burglary
Pilfer Pilfer
Hench Clan Thug
Ambush Secret
Discover a legend Quest Complete

Steal all the best cards drop Evil Miscreant get all the lackeys same old same old same rigged 1 2 3 RNG game over turn 8.

No skill required the AI just rant the program for me so I can win ~ signed, the Rogue.


To be fair, the first scenario is stupid. If they Gan’arg on one and equip Ancharrr on three, then they’d just destroy the War Axe from the Gan’arg. And what the heck are you doing during this time? Letting them play the Pirates they drew off Ancharrr?


People need to stop this garbage of ‘this deck is a so and so deck’. It’s not the point and never will be. DH has the best tempo in the game right now matter where it sits. It doesn’t matter WHEN or WHERE you face it, it’s still a problematic deck when you DO face it.

I actually agree with this part, I do think the matching system has been “rigged” to to manipulate win rates. I won’t get into trying to speculate how, but there are a number of ways it could be done. Why would they? To keep people playing and spending more money.

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Do you think this tactic is used in any other TCG ?
Because if not, why would HS use it ?

GREED… the merger with actavision…

Is hearthstone like any other TCG?
Why not use it?

No, Hearthstone is not like other TCGs. Not even other virtual TCGs.

Its rigged. I added another game of hard evidence to my collection. While I was reading my online book I let the game run every second every turn until it was over because you see…

I was playing against a HIGHLANDER Hunter. You know, those Highlander decks that h ave 1 in 30 of any card on their deck in order for their triggers to happen? And yet, there they are in order off the top of the deck again.

Hunter plays Coin + Phase Stalker. An important beast to get out of the way because he has Zixor in hs deck but also even more important

Scavenger’s Ingenuity. Which the Hunter plays next and pulls Zixor. How do I know this?

Because on turn 3 the Highlander Hunter with his 1 in 30 cards plays the upgraded Zixor

Turn 4 the Highlander Hunter plays the 1 in 30 Corrosice Breath and Hero powers for 2.

Turn 5 is Big Old Whelp.

Turn 6, I forget because I totally wasn’t paying attention and reading my book before I noticed it was my turn again.

Turn 7, and this is important. I knew what was coming. I could totally guess it. You can predict it with 100% accuracy but can’t do anything about it…

DINOTAMER BRANN with a FREE King Krush! SLAM! Down to 3 health. I don’t quit because I want to see the upgraded Zixor dropped on 8.

I am betting the HIGHLANDER 1 in 30 cards Hunter could have dropped Zixor Prime but decided to share with me…

ZEPHYRS! One of the other cards Highlander decks always have in the top 14 of their decks. Gets a s[ell to do the final 3 damage.

I go back to reading my books and pull the slot machine lever of Rock Paper Scissors for the next goal of - lets get these daily done.


I don’t know why “A cartoon” qualifies as an insult … i actually love cartoons …

Anyways, my rant was never been about “nerf Mage” i acknowledge is not a great deck, i even said that on my post, i’m not asking for a nerf … i’m just stating that feels bad to lose against so many random cards and in the past Mage never had that many RNG elements.

As for Demon Hunter, the Deck has an strong opening … but you know what to expect … in a way you can try to play against it … it doesn’t mean you will win but again … you know how the early game works and how the mid game works and how you can lose against Skill of Guldan into Burst Damage for 0 mana … it sucks, no doubt about that… yet … according to many data, the deck is not as strong as it used to be … there are stronger decks like Hunter, Warrior and Rogue … and that’s not an opinion … that’s kind of like Data.

So yeah … oranges and apples, but your hatred will still not see what i mean … i was actually in the mood to answer, but probably won’t happen again.

You don’t have to tell me…I was replying in the reverse to the person who seemingly thought HS WAS like other TCG’s. I agree, it’s not.

I mean, you are complaining about a hunter playing a card that pulls a specific card from their deck, and then playing the card that they get. And you are admittedly saying that you were just reading a book during the game.

Anyway, the Highlander restriction barely even matters, as seen by the fact that Highlander Hunter seems to be the best Hunter variant, and by the fact that Highlander Mage is the best Mage variant.