Aisle of Mischievous Toys

Dear Devs,

Would you PLEASE STOP with the events requiring specific Legendaries to be in a player’s deck?

It’s never one that people end up playing after the event (or even the specific quest) that wants it. So, it’s never worth the dust to make.

Giving us “destroy” isn’t much of an alternative, since the only way anybody has one is from it being in a pack. And fewer still, nobody wants to switch from the deck that wins them games to playing some jank deck to accommodate the card longer than is necessary to complete the quest. Especially now, on the tail end of the season.

Worst of all, you’re doing this to everybody on DAY ONE of the event.

April Fools was last month. Quit trolling us.

This one isn’t so bad, because the legendary in question is part of the miniset, which everyone should have. Even F2P players like me should be easily saving enough gold to buy the miniset the first day it’s available. If you are new and don’t have the miniset yet, that is an issue, but even then you can just challenge me, and I’ll let you kill my Replicator-inator. And yes, that does work now, I tried it.

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Roll a deck in casual with Gorillabot, Papparazzi and Brewmasters (all of them). Keep on discovering till you get it, play it then move on.


Everyones got Dr Replicator but nobody’s offered any decks for people to mass use with him yet. I just put mine in headless handbuff and copy the minis so chances are even I haven’t figured out how to build around him effectively yet

I actually used the giant 8/8 Replicatinator to spam out that DK 0-cost 8/8 Stitched Giant. Could do the same to spam out any other discounted 8/8 card.

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If they’ve paid for it, that’s true. So okay, there are two ways to get it. But, that’s still a minority of players.

Sure if you enjoy not having playable decks for constructed formats.

The value of the mini-sets only holds up when calculating the raw dust value of that versus the 20 packs you could otherwise invest in. It falls apart immediately when you factor in how few of those cards typically see serious play, and those cards become available in regular packs, at a higher drop rate because they’ve not been collected yet, as soon as the mini-set is released. Minisets are not a good investment, nor are they something one should assume players “should” have.

Correct. If by random chance I get paired with somebody who happens to be playing that card in that one game, and it makes it on board, this would be the likely outcome. 3 days in, and I still haven’t seen one played.

On paper, this is not a bad solution, especially since rogues (in Wild at least) have the toolkit to do even more bouncing. But, I tried a grind with this last night. No score.
Gorilla needs another cheap mech to get him going, which led me to a fun Pogo build. So, it wasn’t a total waste of time.

Is this what you did? Do you have a decklist?

I have the card; I saw this suggestion somewhere else on the forum, I’ll try to find the decklist

This deck (edit to taste):

From this thread:

It’s true that the card is a part of the mini-set and everyone should have it

That being said, I wouldn’t put it in my deck for nothing in this world

Luckily for us, there’s always someone who’s gonna do it for us, so I just played the game and solved the quest that way

Although even without doing that quest, I would have already had the whole event completed, but that’s cuz I play a lot

If they bought it, which the majority of players don’t.
Lucky for me I had 1600 dust to spare.

I play two accounts and have yet to see anyone else play it even once.

Yeeeah… That math sort of checks out. Playing casually, the 200 per day from the quest you’d not be locked out of means 20 days to complete; just under the wire on time (21 days). A little bit less than that from the nominal points earned per match.
Though to get it done by 9 days ago, when you said this, would be a TON of grinding for those smaller points.

I’ve had it done on NA and EU for over a week now, lol

Only Asia still collecting points