A great arena match just now ruined by bug : ' (

I was just playing an absolutely awesome arena game, super intense super close and super fun.

Unfortunately this game was ruined, as I played Scrapbooking Student and it froze out one of my locations (the discover 3 cost or less spell one, replay to open) and I couldn’t activate it. No problem I thought, so I finished my turn and immediately restarted hearthstone (I’m on my phone, and it’s not a slow one, usually back in game and connected within 15 seconds)

For some reason it just would not connect, tried restarting the app many times no luck even tried connected to wifi, still wouldn’t load. Finally after about a minute of sitting on the load screen it finally loaded (probably when the game ended)… Couldn’t believe it, was such a great game, and also a disservice to my opponent as a shallow victory.

Just had to come here and vent. Thank you for reading

Kind regards,

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This is a current bug:


Thanks Joachim, first thing I did after the game was search “scrapbooking” in the forums where your post came up first, which I appreciated.

Cos it was such a intense battle, I just wanted share my story as I was sad to see the game end the way it did :disappointed:
Hah :sweat_smile: