A change to magnetic

We all know that magnetic is kind of an op ability basicly circumventing the charge issue and I have a very balanced solution. Magnetism should be a decision on how the player attacks with the minion. The change would be that if you magnetize a card it can no longer attack the player. You are choosing to take your current attack as is or magnetize and attack another minion for board control. This will be the punishment for having a minion card that can be played separately vs a buff card that requires a minion present. It will also allow players to react instead of face face face and constantly losing that war of being a turn behind taking damage and burning cards to catch up.


It isn’t.

It doesn’t.

It isn’t.


How exactly isn’t it circumventing charge when you are slapping a 5/5 onto that swarm of 1/1 or 0/2 bombs that have flooded the board that most decks can’t remove early game.


In the same way that Blessing of Kings isn’t circumventing charge. It even comes with exactly the same weaknesses, imagine that!


For the same reason Blessing of Kings or Extra Arms isn’t “circumventing charge.” A magnetized minion isn’t a second minion in play, it’s a buff to an existing minion. It has benefits (no summoning sickness!) but also has drawbacks (more vulnerable to removal/silence).


lol look at all the hunter players mobbing the thread

except that blessing of kings can be countered/punished via secrets, minions, battlecries and are limited to 2 per deck.


except theres no downside on stuffing magnetic minions to your deck because you will always get full value for them however you use them; the same could not be said about silence cards, they are pretty much useless against certain decks and they will take 1, 2, 3, 4 slots that could be used for better cards just to counter some gimmicky decks with stupid mech synergies.

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Other than maybe Lackey Rogue (and maybe Bomb Warrior?) what decks is silence useless against? It neutralizes magnetized Mechs (which by itself should be reason enough to include), it negates Murloc buffs (and/or Tastyfin draw), and it can turn Stellaris/Khadgar into vanilla-statted minions. If people refuse to use obvious techs to boost their gameplay against certain decks, that’s reasonable. But don’t come here claiming certain decks or keywords are uncounterable when you refuse to use the most obvious counters available to it.


Thats why i am saying there needs to be a punishment. A Buff card requires a creature to be played upon to get the charge effect. A magnetic minion can be played without a minion to be relied upon. It is both a buff and an independent minion. I’m sorry that logic confounded you.

In a way Magnetic should have been a palidan only mechanic given they are the class that relies on buffs given their horrible direct damage available to them. But no lets give a majority of it to hunters who are supposed to be beast and animal based… yeah lets make them the master of mechs.


charge minions can attack face the turn you summon them

magnetized minions cant

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This doesn’t make any sense. If you use it as an independent minion, then it doesn’t have charge. If you use it as a buff, then it makes you more vulnerable to renewal. That, along with the fact that it only works on mechs, are the drawbacks of Magnetic.

I understand what you’re asking for (because it’s not a particularly original complaint) but you still haven’t provided a reason why the current drawbacks of Magnetic are not enough.

I’m starting to think people who complain about Magnetic didn’t play during Boomsday. Because other than Baku Warrior, all other decks which relied on mechs were pretty mediocre. Hell, even Baku Warrior wasn’t good because of Magnetic, but because of the passive from the Dr. Boom hero card. If Magnetic really was as big an issue that it demands gutting (because that’s what your suggestion would do), it would’ve been that big of an issue from the get-go. Instead, it took the Standard rotation for mech decks to be viable once more, and even then they’re hardly oppressive.

Tech silence, hard removal, or transformations into your deck. Magnetic will be less of an issue then.

Think of magnetic minions as being a class-neutral version of the druid’s “Choose One” cards. You can choose between playing a minion and buffing an existing minion. And as with “Choose One”, each of the two options is slightly under-powered; that’s the price you pay for the flexibility.

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Easy solution would be, if mech is already magnetized ( already Magnetic minion on top of it) you can’t use other magnetic on it.

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Your “easy solution” is to minimize the drawback of Magnetic?

Except there is absolutely no drawback on playing a magnetic minion without magnetizing it. You are just losing the stacking bonus of the added minion going face, which shouldn’t even be happening if they (the devs) were so hellbent on killing charge minions like they said they were.

However, if for some reason you cannot magnetize a minion, it only means you are doing something stupidly wrong or you just want to abuse the face damage like every other hunter does and can’t take the nerf like they should.

It’s pretty amusing how people in one hand wants to kill the rush aura of Dr. Boom but at the same time they want to keep magnetic minions hitting face the turn they are played.

Bad stats for the mana cost is a downside. Nobody wants to spend 5 mana on a 5/5. I don’t want to play Venomizer on an empty board, I’d much rather put it on a weak Mech to efficiently kill something.

Not magnetizing your magnetize minions is a poor Tempo play in most cases. Forcr Mech decks to do it and that makes them sad.

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And that is why currently there is absolutely no drawback to magnetic. By forcing the player to decide to go face or play magnetic giving the opponent a chance to react to it.

I literally just played a hunter where I silenced cleared the board every turn except one minion… Every turn magnetic face… magnetic face… magnetic FACE…

It was all on me to stop him… I did 0 damage to him yet I died in the end by turn 7… FACE FACE FACE… played 2 AOE cards oh look one mech lived… Magnatize FACE…
ITS BRAINDEAD… IF THEY MAKE THIS GARBAGE THEY NEED TO CREATE HARD COUNTERS FOR IT. Its just like everything they do when it first came out it was garbage cause there wasn’t enough… then they added a few extra cards… it became OP Hunters and Warriors running rampant mech… What do the designers do…

Hey you having trouble with mechs HERE HAVE THIS 2/3 Echo mech. BRILLIANT


They did make hard counters for it. But Magnetic isn’t the real problem, which is probably why the hard counters don’t feel like enough

Bomb Hunter is arguably the best deck right now, but that isn’t because Magnetic “has no counterplay”, it’s because they have Mech based token generators and extremely sticky minions.

Magnetic has enough counterplay, it was never the problem. The problem is the current stickiness of Hunter minions and how easily they can go wide to enable their tall plays.

I’m borrowing “wide” and “tall” from 4x games, but they fit here so meh

Yes thats the problem just like druid token… There is not enough classless removal in the world to clear the board of all the free 1/1 0/2 bombs they spit out.

Let alone even if you get control don’t matter hunters have 6/6 board clear wee