A change to magnetic

So why are you calling for a nerf that completely misses the actual problem?

Also, Missile Venomizer also prevents the hunter from establishing a board and is very, very weak to silence/removal. It’s much less oppressive than you think

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Hello Madmax, I’ve been reading many of your posts and you always seem to find logical approach to a problem, respect you for that :slight_smile:

Let’s go back when C’Thun and Jade was introduced. You had to build up stats to have this last punch in the face before you can take an enemy down. Now on turn 5 OTK because you left one mech on the board. I love mech decks and I love its mechanic, but sometimes stacking up to 5 mech on a single mech feels like i’m cheating. If max stack would be 1-2 people would have to think twice before they magnetize. Snip-Snap is a great card to have, but that Echo/Magnetic is a bit too much to have. They should keep on of the effect. Wild mode (can’t say about standard) is pain to play. Yes you can win the games, but if you got no answer to it in an early game turn 3-4 you are more than dead.

Second solution would be to stop mech attacking if he was magnetized on that turn. In this case that would be the most logical solution. You attack and then you Magnetize or Magnetize but you cannot attack on that turn. At least people would have an option to silence OR i have no clue how could you stop a minion with that high stats and deathrattle.

I played few days ago with a Druid. Wanted to make a fun deck to have. Named it Trees Can Talk. Many treant cards or cards that can summon them. Had few treants on board for few turns and wanted to upgrade them before I went for the face, so I played Treespeaker and turn them into deadly 5/5 Ancients. Could I attack? NO. Why? Because I transformed them. Isn’t Magnetism some sort of Transformation? It is not an enchantment. Most MTG enchantments are spells, yes there are few creatures, but wouldn’t be able to win a game(turn 5) on the same turn.

Cheers :slight_smile:

The problem with a SN1P-SN4P OTK isn’t Magnetic though. It’s the fact that you can reduce SN1P-SN4P’s cost to zero. Even if Magnetic didn’t let you attack, your opponent could still make a board so wide and tall that you wouldn’t be able to clear it without something like Twisting Nether. Again, you’re trying to fix a non-issue.

And it’s not like “dead by turn 4 if you don’t draw answers” is an uncommon situation in Wild. You’d be just as dead playing against Kingsbane Rogue with a god draw, and that deck doesn’t require Magnetic for a turn 4-5 kill.

Magnetized is a buff, not a transformation. Minions created via transform effects are affected by summoning sickness because they’re new minions. It happens with Treespeaker, and it happens with evolve/devolve effects. Magnetizing a mech onto another doesn’t create another minion, therefore the magnetized minion doesn’t experience summoning sickness for a second time. Magnetizing a mech onto another (again) is the same as buffing a minion with Blessing of Kings or Blessing of the Ancients. If these spells don’t cause summoning sickness, why should Magnetic?

For the umpteenth time: all these complaints about Magnetic are ultimately about other issues (OTK combos, sticky boards) which will not be fixed by making Magnetic useless.

I do agree that reduction is what makes this card terrible. Let them add Can’t be reduced to 0 or can’t be reduced at all. Even having 3 of em on board is a hell of a good deal. If it can be reduced till 1 not below 0 even with the best combo you need at least 7 mana to have a god value out of it. Set this rules for wild mode and save the day!