6 nerfs are coming soon (next week), what is your prediction?

Hey, Blizz went out of there way to make small deck Warlock a thing. Time to hit Tick with the mirror effect! EVERYBODY MILL!

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-Paladin sword
-Oh my yogg
-Far watch post
-Morshan Watch post
-Octobot with frenzy or secret passage

Tickatus (Updated)
6 Mana
Battlecry: Remove the 5 lowest rarity cards from each deck.
Corrupt: Gain Rush


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I don’t think it should be nerfed but they could replace a spell of the same cost with one that costs 1 more. Not a huge change but doable

Devolving missiles isn’t removal either.
There still a minion after you use it.

Yay, can’t wait for the free dust and the ability to start crafting real decks lol.

I always feel like I can’t disenchant anything after new releases till at least the 1st wave of nerfs for fear of losing out on nerf dust.

I never disenchant anything until it’s nerfed or I know it will always be a crap card. Even then I try not to. I’m less inclined to impulse craft that way. :slight_smile:

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Same here. If they do nerf Field Contact, I’m going to be rich I am showing 9+ in my collection. :grinning:

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-Crabrider to 3 health
-both towers minus 1 health

Class cards:
-Jandice: summon 4 mana minions
-Sword: 3 mana, 2 attack, 3 durability
-DoL: 4 mana

only 6 nerfs? seems like some Devil roleplay bs to me.

go their those should be the 12-13 nerfs, not 6.

Here is the 6 cards I would choose…

Deck of Lunacy (this is pretty much guaranteed to get hit)
Refreshing Spring Water
Pen Flinger
Sword of the Fallen
Jandice Barov
Something from warlock (no idea what card they target but they are likely hitting something)

They’re not. They’ve already said what classes they’re hitting.

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But, but, but, Tickatus!?

That’s a good start, be even better if all other decks get hero cards like lock does, or just nerf/delete jaraxis, that’d be good for me too ;p

Paladine and Mage are the problem. Not Tickac

I honestly think they should wait with nerfs…

It feels like constructed is making a comeback right now,lots of people playing and enjoying it. Constructed streamers having higher vieuwer numbers then they used to have.
I am just woried that if they change it to much that everyone will turns its back on constructed again and return to BG.
Constructed is fun right now and reasonably balanced. Pls dont change the meta with some reckless nerfs into something that people dont like.

So ya,word of advice to blizz marketing. The flow is up right now for constructed and dont change a winning team. They already made a mistake to not have todays GM on air.
This is the moment,there is momentum.

I haven’t seen the numbers, perhaps you’re right and that’s fantastic. Of course, I’d like more people to play Hearthstone. However, your opinion is not shared by most players in my experience since release of FitB. Almost all topics and posts here are unhappy with the current meta, it isn’t really changing naturally, and every stream I watch is chock-full of players complaining about Deck of Lunacy, laughing at the RNG, and are unhappy.

But, listen, I am happy you are having but. I am trying to, as well. I’m struggling a little. I am really getting tired of being high-rolled on by mages that often even make obvious mistakes in their plays. ((sigh))


Um, yes they do need to change it. So we can actually play and enjoy the new expansion and core set, instead of having to play against an endless stream of Mages and Paladins. I know you are probably having fun spamming Lunacy, but you are going to have to accept it’s getting nerfed. Because it’s not healthy for the game in any way. Mage is my favourite class by the way, and this deck disgusts me.

And I don’t know how anyone could say that standard is balanced when half the other classes are virtually non existant on ladder right now. I’ll raise a glass when the patch to nerf Paladin and Mage goes live! And hopefully we can actually enjoy playing the new expansion cards.


I play lunacy but i also play 2-3 other decks (shaman,rogue,warlock) and i play about equall amount of time on all of them.

I think its not that bad with lunacy and i am mostly afraid it will go back into a rather boring tickatus+illucia meta.
The meta right now i find very diverse. There are many different,interesting,complicated and rather unique archetypes beeing played. Priest also has 1-2 very fun and interesting decks.

But if lunacy,penflinger,sword,tickatus all have to go so be it. If i find it boring again i will simply return to BG but for players who like diversity and new things i think the current meta is quiet attractive.

It’s not going to go back to an Illucia meta – priest’s dead in the water. We also don’t know if these upcoming nerfs will entirely disable DoL; we need to not jump to conclusions just yet.