6 nerfs are coming soon (next week), what is your prediction?

Just read that news on HearthstoneTopDeck. They don’t know the detail yet but can we start making prediction? :smiley:

My prediction, those following cards are definitely gone:

  • Tickatus
  • Penflinger
  • Lunacy
  • Watchpost (the legendary)
  • The warlock legendary that opens the portal when you have no card left
  • New Malygos (drawing 10 cards with 9-mana is unacceptable).

Refreshing spring water-It’s just too good
For paladin either oh my yogg or sword of the fallen.
Not sure about the rest.


They’re not nerfing Warlock.

They are nerfing Paladin, Mage, and Rogue.


Lol, why? If it’s the case then Warlock definitely will destroy the meta.

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Sword of The Fallen
Deck of Lunacy
Far Watch Post
Mor’shan Watch Post


Sword of The Fallen
Deck of Lunacy
Refreshing Spring Water
Field Contact
Far Watch Post

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Aggro should still be around which means Warlock wont go out of control.

Rogue, Hunter, and maybe still Paladin after the nerfs.

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I think there’s a good chance this gets hit instead of Jandice


sword is either getting a mana increase or reduced durability

lunacy is likely getting an effect adjustment to only increase by 2 (might get a mana increase aswell)

jandice is likely getting mana increase

the watch posts are likely getting some stat adjustments (2/3 or 1/4 and 3/4 or 2/5)


Jandice is not going to get a change. She’s similar to Kazakus, can be a great play or not depending on what minions she brings.

I guess we’ll ask Iksar next Q&A. Probably a reason some people on this forum agree with, so you can read their defenses of it. But the tweet specifically said Paladin, Mage, Rogue and Neutral.

My guesses are

  • Sword of the Fallen
  • Mor’shan Watch Post
  • Deck of Lunacy
  • Refreshing Spring Water
  • Penflinger

I guess what we’re really guessing is which of

  • Jandice
  • Far Watch Post
  • Field Contact
  • Refreshing Spring Water

are the most overpowered cards. And while I think any of those could be on the list, of those four imho only RSW tends to help a deck, Spell Damage mage, frequently clinch victory. Far Watch Post doesn’t do that much does it? I’m really hoping the tweet erred about the classes and they’re pinging Jaraxxus too.

Sword of the Fallen: changed from cast a secret to draw a secret
Deck of Lunacy: 4 mana, spells changed to random ones that cost two more (instead of three)
Spring Water: returns one mana on spell draw instead of two
Jandice: summons four-cost minions instead of five
Tickatus: mana cost upped to 7
Pen Flinger: changed to 2 mana 2/2 body


We are not game designers. No point guessing, we should know by end of the week.

I think we’re here to entertain ourselves.


Deck of Lunacy
Refreshing Spring water
Sword of the Fallen
Pen flinger
Field Contact

Man, you REALLY don’t like warlock :sweat_smile:

Neeru is an absolute meme. A FUN meme, and of an archetype that will hopefully get more support this expansion, but there is absolutely no chance of a nerf.

Tickatus MAYBE- it’s very far from being OP but enough people want it changed that I wouldn’t be too surprised if they lessened it or its support cards in some way.

Guessing sword of the fallen, DoL, pen flinger, that mana biscuit thingy, and watchposts


-Sword of the fallen
-Oh my yogg
-All librams
-Arbour up
-And to let mage not escape the nerfs:jandice. A card that doesnt need any support from other cards to be good and that you can almost always play on 5 for max effect without having to put effort into the following turns.

It hilarious how many people are saying that Far Watch Post needs a nerf. In what world is it too strong? It’s basically the anti aggro version of Tickatus.


My predictions:
Tick: destroy 4 cards
Penflinger: only hits minions
Sword: draw a secret
Water: 5 mana or 4 mana but spells refresh 1 mana each.
Far watch post: 1/4
Lunacy: destroyed.

With the exlusion of Lunacy, i think that those changes will still leave all the cards in a good but not domineering position.

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I’d Wager on:
Sword of the Fallen
Deck of Lumacy
Pen Flinger
Field Contact
Far Watch Post

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