6 nerfs are coming soon (next week), what is your prediction?

You said some darn true things.

It’s truely a fun season, I will go back to BG too if ranked started to become “fair” and resident sleeper with Priest and Control Warlock etc, nobody wanna watch those or play those

Hopefully constructed stays fun after the balance adjustment

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Because people who enjoy the game is playing the game. They rarely come here to write about positive stuff.

People who come here to point out in-game flaws often also are enjoying the game. One can love something and find it imperfect. We should strive to fix any problems that arise, and DoL is one. Paladin is another story.

Except right now there is very little diversity on the ladder, especially the higher you climb up it. Yeah, you can play other decks and classes, no one is stopping you. But the point is, there is virtually no diversity in matchups right now. I looked through my match history and it’s filled with Paladin’s and Mages, with the odd Rogue or Warlock thrown in.

The only people enjoying this meta right now will be those who are spamming these decks, and just don’t want to see their deck get nerfed.

Except most new topics are created by people who just lost a game and then hop into the forum create new topic to rant about it lol

I’ve certainly done that before. But, they’re playing the game, generally enjoying it but lost to a high roll and are pissed. It’s understandable but doesn’t mean we should dismiss all arguments made on this forum because of it.

Got cha, but your own experiences is not enough sample size tho.

The HSreplay stats kinda shows that there are more people playing when the meta is being spammed by OP decks.

And less people plays when is filled with resident sleeper “fair” deck.

I believe a healthy population is as important

I mean, you’d have to be in some extreme denial to think that this is just my own experience. Literally just watch a variety of streamers for a while and you will see the same thing. I mean HSReplay even backs up the fact that Mage is being overplayed so much.

And the expansion is still new, so of course, the amount of people playing is going to be higher. This will naturally drop off over the course of the expansion, regardless of what deck is OP or not at the time.

And FYI, I feel confident in saying that Warlock and Priest aren’t going to dominate the meta as some seem to be predicting. You’ll see when other classes are actually allowed to flourish, instead of being held back by Mage and Paladin.

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Thats why your experiences is your own, I don’t know why you have to call me in denial, you don’t have to get so defensive lol

My 10 games today are matched with no Mages and only 1 Paladin, out of 10 games. They are all Rogues, Hunters and Demon Hunters, I am mid-low legend, people are playing counters, it doesn’t match with what you said

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Oof. Nice rank! I think you may be experiencing different metas, you two.

No offense, but I know what mid to low legend is like. People are less inclined to take laddering seriously and just play whatever because there is no risk involved anymore. And there is nothing wrong with that by the way, but people trying to climb the ladder for the most part will be spamming Mage and Paladin. And the stats back that up, it’s not a diverse meta and it needs to change.

Now you are in denial and change the subject to ppl are fooling around, after I shared my experiences lol.

Heres the thing, if you want to climb the ladder, just play the deck since you think it is so strong. Sometimes it wouldn’t turn out the way you want them, because there are also people who tries to climb with decks that anti you, such as Rogues and Hunters who feed off Mages.

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  • DoL (Up to 4 Mana)
  • Jandice (Up to 6 Mana)
  • Sword of the fallen (Now has 2 durability)
  • Refreshing Spring water (Now refreshes 1 Mana per spell drawn)

Unfortunately they announced that there will be changes to neutral cards.
So I guess Pen Flinger is addressed, my guess is:

  • Pen Flinger (Now deals 1 damage to a minion)
  • Broomstick (Now costs 2 mana)

These nerfs, especially the pen fling nerf wouldn’t hit rogue too much what is fair, imo.
Because rogue does barely have a tier 2 deck anyway.

There’s more than simply 2-3 OP decks as a meta or control warlock and control priest defining the meta as options. Control priest has no win condition beyond outlasting the opponent and that just isn’t going to work in hearthstone. Control Warlock is better but not by that much. The deck tends to cave to anything that can put pressure on them and has an active win condition and isn’t likely going to dominate the meta either.

There’s a lot of people playing right now because a new expansion just launched and the year rotated. This time of year is always the peak for hearthstone. ~25% of the meta being 1 deck and another ~15% being two variants of another deck. Two classes should not be 40% of the meta and that kind of experience is more likely to lose players if kept


Thank you! I tried saying as much somewhere else, but you worded it so very eloquently.

Not dismissing your experiences at all, the problem is though you appear to be ignoring the facts. Or you just seem happy to accept that the majority of the meta is being dominated by two classes, which isn’t healthy for the game, and will do more to drive players away as they get more frustrated by this.

It’s great that you are experiencing a different meta, however, that’s not representative of the ladder as a whole. And that is backed up by stats.

We are a community here, people share their experiences, I am just saying you are looking through the whole thing from your tiny perspective and saying the ladders are all Mage and Paladins, while it is not I am afraid.

Mage and Paladins are strong, no doubt, but that doesn’t mean its a bad meta or is not healthy, it’s actually some of the best season with lots of players coming back to play the RNG mage.

You completely missed my point, where the game will once again goes back being boring after the rlly interesting decks and meta being nerfed, and people leaving constructed and going back to BG or just stop playing

But again, you are totally ignoring the stats and facts which strongly indicate that the ladder is dominated by these two classes. You literally can’t refute stats, it’s nothing to do with my perspective. And I am certain that the VS report tonight will back this up as well.

Trust me, the meta will be a lot more fun and healthy post nerf. There are so many cool decks out there ready to come out of the shadows. You will see it and if not then well I’ll hold my hands up.

I think we are talking on completely different things here, you are kinda feeding me facts while in the same time trying to be the right one, saying i m ignoring the fact and i am in extreme denial. What is all that for lol…

My point is pretty straight forward, whats fun for you does not necessarily means fun for others.