6 nerfs are coming soon (next week), what is your prediction?

Effects are, but you stated that the core cards are completly identical to their non core counterparts when they aren’t, and it makes no difference to any wild players to just nerf the core version and it’s more beneficial to the larger and arguably more important standard player base.

And they are.

Rarity is irrelevant.

SO why do you want to make SS the exception when better options are available?

Why is rarity irrelevant? Some cards in the core set are already non-identical, and it would be more beneficial for everyone to just nerf core versions.

I think this is the best option available, really.

You two should probably take your conversation into a private discussion.

The forum usually automatically suggests you do.

How is it relevant? Its not!

They absolutely ARE identical in regards to their effect. You are grasping at straws using rarity as an argument.

And you are wrong.

Show me how to do so?

Nope, not here. There is no PM option.

They go nerf Nagrand Slam.

Its a very op hunter card that people are sleeping on but mage managed to show how op this hunter card actually is.

Are you suggesting I share my contact details with this stranger???

Having a lengthy argument between two people on a forum doesn’t look very good.

Of course it’s relevant, there’s already different versions of the cards with subtle yet existing differences, I don’t see why if it helps to balance standard better without realistically effecting anything in wild nerfing shouldn’t be considered over just rotating, especially with a card as core to rogue as ss.

What do you think forums are for, you goose.

If you honestly think I care about that, you really are as new as your <300 posts.

Yeah, we’ll come back and you two would have posted 30 times each to each other in this thread.

Threads do kind of exist to be posted in.

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Maybe posting to your peers is the point of forums :thinking:

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-Sword of the fallen bc it is ridiculous.
-Oh my Yogg bc it makes me want to kill myself.
-Deck of Lunacy bc Nagrand Slam
-Penflinger bc it also makes me want to kill myself, even when I’m playing it.
-Watch Post health nerf bc everyone knows those towers aren’t that sturdy.
-I’m counting those towers as 2 and will also add they should buff Mankrik so we can have dead wife meta. Jk

Finally found something I can agree on with this ancient old man.

Conjure spring water should definitely be nerfed… but knowing blizzard’s bias towards mage it will most likely wont get nerf.

imo this should only attack minions not go face.

Being ancient comes with its perks.
If you will excuse me, its time for my sponge bath with the community nurse who looks a bit too much like Jenna Jameson in her prime.

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