6 nerfs are coming soon (next week), what is your prediction?

Why though?

The biggest benefit of the core set is changes can be made at any time, without refunds - Blizzard perspective.

We dont need a bajillion different versions of cards.

The core set changes every year not every month. Where are you getting this idea they can pull a card out tomorrow?

Very few of the core cards are even being used right now, though there are probably lots of deck possibilities once paladin and mage are no longer 50 to 60% of all decks played at any given time.

The world in which early minions get played. Unless you just want us to ignore board and go face? :wink:

Btw I’m not necessarily against a Tickatus nerf. Cleverer people than me can say whether it’s likely to warp the meta after these nerfs. However I was dead against it being nerfed in DMF because of it’s low played and win rate at the time.

The watch post stats aren’t crazy at the moment but I can see that changing after these nerfs.

Firstly, Warlock is not going to dominate the meta when these nerfs happen… People need to stop being so salty about the class, yeah Tickatus isn’t fun but it doesn’t mean it’s OP. And there are classes outside of Paladin and Mage that can handily beat them.

Also, they won’t nerf anything from Mage outside of DoL. The deck without it is Tier 2 at best, it’s okay for them to have a couple powerful cards for it like Spring Water and Flow, what people are suggesting would totally kill the archetype.

Anyway I asumme the nerfs will be:
-Deck of Lunacy > 5 Mana
-Sword of The Fallen > 2 Charges
-Penflinger > Only Target Minions
-Secret Passage > 2 Mana
-Broomstick > Adjacent Minions
-Far Watch Post > 3 Health

Yeah I think you’re right about Mage, it doesn’t have a lot else going for it, so it should keep some broken crap

you always prefer nagrand slam as mage unless you play against a face deck, and in those matchups you just adjust the mana cost by playing incanters first

There’s already 2, albeit the same versions of shadowstep anyway, it’s really no different to again just nerf the core version with no refund, standard rogues just get to keep a tweaked version which is better from a balance perspective and only marginally more confusing then the current multiple copy situation.

No formats ever.
Basic and classic are evergreen.

Where are you getting the idea they cant?

And its a GOOD thing that they have that option.

I foresee the Shamanisation of Rogue in the not too distant future.

Meanwhile I hope they address the Libram package this time. It’s not just the secret stuff breaking the class.

So, if there are 2 other versions, nerfing SS achieves absolutely nothing. you could “literally” run those other versions.

The old age is getting to you, I’m saying since there are already 2 versions of shadow step to begin with (classic version and core version), if you just nerf the core version you still have 2 versions of shadow step but standard still has access to one, but tweaked.

Rotating it out for something that fits into similar decks but is of a lower power level like idk counterfeit coin is also possible but it depends what’s of better interest to balance.

All standard cards are legal in wild, true or false?

You can’t run 4 shadow steps using core and classic anyway, true or false?

You want this one card to be the exception?

SS is fine in wild.
If its problematic in standard, then the solution is to rotate it.
Not nerf it.

Why would it be the exception, you still wouldn’t be able to run 4 shadow steps, just either version.

Show me another card that works that way between standard and wild (NOT CLASSIC!)

Every single core card?

Every single core card is identical to its non-core counterpart.

No actually, they have different rarities, and you can choose to run either. Literally no different if you were to nerf one.


Youre really going there?!?

The EFFECTS are identical. Prove me wrong.