6 nerfs are coming soon (next week), what is your prediction?

I hope we see a much more diverse meta coming up and that whatever these nerfs are, are enough to enable that. So many great cards and interesting archetypes and Hsreplay’s report over the weekend says the vast majority of decks Diamond through Legend have been Mage and Paladin.

I havent played hardly at all all weekend, few friends on my friends list are the same. I’m in diamond.

The situation is as bad as Demon Hunter a year ago.

After these nerfs, we’ll probably just see more Tickatus control warlock again. Before that took off the last month before rotation, we had win on 4 ramp paladin everywhere.

I’ll get the 2 obvious ones out of the way:
Deck of Lunacy - either 4 mana or spells that cost 1 more
Sword of the Fallen - 2 durability

As for the other 4:
Pen Flinger - 2 mana
Jandice Barov - either 6 mana or pulls 4 mana minions
Far Watch Post - 1 attack
Mor’shan Watchpost - 2 attack

The last one I’m the least confident about. Maybe broom takes its place but I think it will dodge the nerf hammer again.

Jandice I think gets hit because she was mentioned in Iksar’s last AMA as a card that they knew would be stronger than it ever was because of the smaller pool so I don’t think they’ll gamble with it. Pen Flinger is the kind of problem card from an old set that still sees a lot of play and will likely get killed. Far Watch Post it only makes sense to hit the attack if they want to maintain the 2, 3, 4 curve of the watch posts. Hitting the health would make it useless so that leaves the attack. If they hit the attack then it’s easier to trade into without losing a minion. Same reasoning for the other watch post. I don’t think they’ll nerf the barrens cards as harshly as the year of the phoenix cards.

As for the people saying warlock will dominate, I thought that too at first but aggro is always going to be a significant part of the HS meta and that should keep it in check.

I think the rogue nerf may be to Field Contact. He’s not dominant right now but if paladin and mage drop in power than the draw he gives could rapidly rocket rogue to the top.

Then again, a nerf to pen flinger would also be a nerf to field contact.

  • Incanter’s flow :stays the same but spells unable to cost 0 (still super viable)
  • Refreshing spring water : changed to draw 2 , if you draw a spell , refund the cost of spring water (still quite strong)
  • Deck of Lunacy : No idea what they can do and not kill the card . (edit: i would nerf that card so hard it would be “lunacy” to call it a fair nerf)
  • Sword of the fallen : cost 3 instead of 2
  • Efficient octobot : 1/3 instead of 1/4
  • Pen Flinger : cost 2 instead of 1

Thats my guess/prediction on the 6 nerfs coming next week . Should not change the meta much but leaves a lot of room for other decks to flourish .

This is true, if Spell Mage is nerfed Warlock will probably rise to Tier 1 due to Jaraxxus, currently Spell Mage (and some Face Hunter and Face Rogue) is keeping Warlock in-check

This is what I think will be changed:

Deck of Lunacy (Probably cost 5 or 6 mana)
Sword of the Fallen (cost 3 mana)
Shadow Step (cost 1 mana)
Pen Flinger (cost 2 mana)
Refreshing Springwater (Add 1 mana back instead of 2)
Far Watch Post - (1/4)

Sword of the Fallen, Deck of Lunacy, Refreshing Spring Water and Penflinger all seem obvious to me.

Then… uhh… Jandice seems possible. Maybe small nerfs to the Watch Posts (unnecessary IMO), and maybe Broom? I dunno. They might be nerfing that poison rogue weapon pre-emptively.

Paladin is so powerful I imagine they’re hitting more Paladin cards, though. So probably another Paladin card in addition to whatever the rogue card is.

sweat_smile Neeru is an absolute meme. A FUN meme, and of an archetype that will hopefully get more support this expansion, but there is absolutely no chance of a nerf

I agree, but the deck itself is actually… great IMO. Neeru is probably the absolute worst card in it, though. You play it for the 6 damage 3 drops and the 1 mana 6/6s that don’t require you to burn your whole deck.

Well yeah but no because there will be aggro druid,hunter and dh to put this back where it belongs

Shadowstep was my initial thought for Rogue, but unlikely.
I doubt any core cards will be nerfed, especially if they arent a problem in wild.
They would be rotated out of core instead.
Thats the biggest benefit of a free core set - cards can be rotated at any time if they are a problem in standard.

Aldor Truthseeker : this card reduce librams by 2 and 5 mana 4/6 with taunt… this card must be 9 mana
Devolving Missiles : don’t need say anything this cards is imbalanced
Tickatus : 6 mana 8/8 and burn 5 card too op… this card must be 9 mana so it will be hard to corrupt it
Apexis Blast : 5 mana deal 5 and summon 5 mana minion super op this must be 7 mana
Pen Flinger : must be 2 mana
Celestial Allignment : this card need removed

I wonder if you are one of those people who spammed for Skull of Guldan nerfs last year or DH hero power to be 2 mana.

“6 mana draw 3 reduce the cost by (3) was too OP and needs to be changed”, the card remained unchanged for so long.

You see the problem? There will be powerful cards, but not game breaking. Alot of your suggestion doesn’t make much sense.

the 6 nerfs has been announced, and let’s see, it will be for Neutral, Mage, Rogue and Paladin.

For Mage it is Deck of Lunacy or more
For Paladin it will be the Sword of Fallen or more
For Rogue it might be the Field Contact(?) or more
Neutral will be Pen Flinger or/and Watch Post(?)

Like why are you suggesting Warlock or Druid, can’t brain this.

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Keep in mind that if they nerf flinger and the 2 cost watchpost they are already nerfing rogue which runs both.

Especially flinger nerf since that’s a big chunk of face damage gone.

Do we know if they said rogue cards or rogue decks are getting the bat? Because if it’s the former, no other change will be needed imo.

If it’s a card, then I guess it’ll be Jandice since they don’t want “old cards” to dominate and Jandice is still one of the strongest 5 drops.

For warlock, if his counters get nerfed then he will soar alone up high. Atm there’s no single deck that can go head to head with Warlock in late game (and it isn’t Tick, it’s Jar who’s responsible for this) hence the nerf suggestions.

We’ll know by Friday, maybe Thursday.

There’s a tournament this weekend, so no changes this week.

They said 6 cards. Mage, paladin, rogue and neutral. Everything in this thread is speculation and things people personally would like.

  1. DoL
  2. paladin weapon
  3. 2 mana watchpost
  4. 3 mana watchpost
  5. 3 mana draw a card when you play combo/Battle cry
  6. penflinger

I reckon the cards that will definitely get nerfed are
DoL- they’ve already said they don’t want this to be a tier1 card.
Sword - just too bonkers, and paladin is straight up op right now.
Penflinger - I think we’ve all had enough of this card!

After those three I’m less certain, maybe they hit another pally card? The class is busted right now, and I don’t think just nerfing Sword will be enough.

If anything in rogue is getting hit it has to be field contact.

Finally I reckon Jandice gets nerfed, just too good right now.

Don’t think refreshing spring water will get hit, sorting out DoL should be enough to keep mage in check.

I hope they don’t nerf watchposts, they’re fine as is imo.

I think they will decrease their attack.
It is too strong to play a 2 mana 2/4 that “forces” some classes to lose the board because their minion (1-2 drop) have less than 3 health.

I hope they will make them still playable and maybe change also the epic ones that feels useless (too expensive), so the legendary will remain playable

I agree with everything you said, except this. Far Watch, with that effect, at that cost, cant have 4 health. 2/3 for FWP.

People calling for changes to watchposts just want to go back to the win by turn 5 meta we had during the last set.

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Nope. 2 mana bud, with a 2/4 stat line that awards you the equivalent of a coin… each turn (at least).

What 1-2 drops can deal the 4 damage required to address FWP, on curve?

Or they can just nerf the core version and we still have our wild version so rogues in standard can keep the nerfed but still hopefully playable version instead of losing it entirely.

Better use of the core system then rotating imo.

Edit: Or, even better rotate it out and rotate in shadow caster!