50% autowinraterant


See I don’t really care what you believe you wanted an argument I gave you one. Don’t care if you believe me or not that was never my intention.

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it’s all addiction coding In the end. We are all a victim to it to some extent. Addictive behaviors would explain why you consumer keeps coming back for more. Actually if you look at it from that perspective the loss/frustration portion of the cycle becomes important to sustain the consumer cycle.

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That’s not true, actually. Most F2P games don’t force their players to lose, but make it so they can’t win. Yes, there’s a difference.

If I played a game where I lose all the time, I’m not going to play it. I know I’m not the only one, just this week, several threads popped up from new players who couldn’t win a match if their life depended on it. And that has nothing to do with rigged matchmaking and forced 50% winrate, but simply because they don’t have the collection. And no, that’s not an argument for you, but simple logic. I can start any collection based game and be destroyed because I don’t, well, have a collection.


Any situation that i stated would deal with players who have vested some time into the game. These people who lose all the time because they don’t have a collection is because Blizzard refuses to have a matching system that keeps them separate from the rest of us UNTIL they have enough cards to compete.

That also is a way to get people to spend money as they know if people really want to catch up they will spend the money to get caught up. noone spends money if they are winning all the time (unless you are just looking to expand your deck(s) or collection.

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I thank God, every day, for people like you. We would be SO screwed without rationality.


if the MMR system is so perfectly fair and balanced why is it a closed system and not publicly shown?
In chess, for example its a clearly defined formula…


Wasn’t Activision the company that had patented rigged matchmaking that boosts selling of cosmetics? As years go by and we find out more and more about all the anti-consumer practices all the outlandish theories are sounding less and less impossible.


Probably because it’s proprietary information which the company wants to keep undisclosed because it represents years of R&D investment.

The better question is why would you expect the general public to understand how the matchmaking system works if it were to become publicly available? What little we know has been grossly misunderstood (or misrepresented) by yahoos who have zero reading comprehension, a chip on their shoulder about losing in videogames, or both.


Patented, not applied. They’re not using it (the backlash would be too big if people found out if they actually did, and with all the datamining from their games going on, people would find out) and by patenting their “trick”, they’re stopping others from using it. Also, that wasn’t develloped for Hearthstone but another game (one that isn’t tied to Blizzard), and despite what tech-illiterates may say, it’s not that easy to port something from one thing to something completely different. It’s not comparing apples to oranges, but apples to lettuce.


You should. Praise me!

No, it wouldn’t. You could say the same thing about patenting. Backlash came and went away, but patent stayed. They did have other stuff of similar kind in other games. Also, no one is talking about copy/pasting code from one game to another. It’s a patented system.

All of it is tied to Blizzard through their parent company which is the one that has final say in the decision making.

My point is that they will use unethical methods if they calculate that they will benefit them. I don’t know if that’s the case with matchmaking in HS. I do know that something weird is happening with my games in BG since after noticing certain oddities and at first thinking it’s just my bias I started to count simple stuff I can easily track and so far it doesn’t look good.

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Can you prove they are not using it? Can I prove they are? NO we can’t and THAT is exactly how they get away with it. Go read up on how big chemical and oil companies poisoned (thus killing) thousands of people in the 70’s and 80’s because of people JUST like you who refused to see it for what it was.

Sorry but they are rigging the system one way or another

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Why are you playing a rigged game?

Why do you care FANBOI?

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Do you always answer a question with another question?

Do you? You seem to do it as well…So answer your own question fanboi.

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Why? You still haven’t answered mine.

The “original context” that you thought up out of thin air. Good to know you discredited something you made up. Wow!

Pot calling the kettle black.

Uhm… no? Let’s recap: Madmax who talked about the futility of a matchmaking system that takes in account class and deck. You quoted him, saying Blizzard had stated such a system was in place to improve player experience, and when prompted for a source, you linked something that discussed MMR and not what Madmax was talking about. So, yeah, the original context, that somehow eluded you, was a rigged matchmaking system.

By the way,

is used when insults are being slung back and forth. Only one person is insulting the other here.