50% autowinraterant

Im getting tilted with the we make you 50% win rate thing…

Like srsly. Im at diamond 2 now. I made a paly deck, wich beats the crap out the DH so i won 3 against that cr*p. Then just when i about to make to dia 1 i face a DH with turn 3 Questing with twin slice. Okay i lose, as i dont have a board and no answer for that any way in the deck. I lose. Fine.
Then i go against a rouge, who “what god gives”, put down turn 6 a 24/24 Edwin and clears my board in mean time at same turn. Okay. Fine. You won.
Next. Rouge again he plays hench clan, next turn a secret. I know its a bambozle, but i have a decent enought board, lets go for it. He gets Preistes of furry. Okay, sure. I trade one of my minion to it, so its 6/3. Next turn he casts grave ruin on it, form hench clan. Okay. I guess. Go back to dia 3, start it over… Maybe i get some luck on the way.

By the by. I made it to diamond 5 before the new exp. And im just flooting down to Dia 1 back to dia 5 or else. Like when i get down to dia 1 i somehow alway got an opponent whs draw is my counter… just bc why not. I dont play no net decks, al my deck are my stuff. If i were play Dh i would be legend already but i just cant.


I’m getting tilted with the 50% winrate thing myth.

Look, I’m sorry you’ve run into some bad matchups, but it’s not some nefarious algorythm from Blizzard. Every competition that works with a ladder system evolves into a 50% win rate. You win until you arrive at a level where you are amongst people who are as good as you. And when you are up against someone who is as good as you, the odds are even. You know what they call even odds? 50-50, or 50%.

Do you know what an algorythm that would force a 50% winrate would entail? Something that evaluates your entire deck, not just the archetype, but all the cards included. That means figuring out what your win condition is and how it is triggered. That’s not possible. There are decks where it might not be obvious and requires some sort of combo. You’re talking about a program that can single out those cards in every deck played, netdecked and homebrewed. Also, that would mean something decided what rank you play. After all, it doesn’t give you a 50% winrate from the start, otherwise you’d never get to diamond. So, when does it kick in? Because for me, I’m rank gold, and not even high gold. How is that decided then? You’re no longer talking about an algorythm, but genuine AI rivaling Skynet, all to force someone on a rank it decided (which, for some reason, is close to your previous rank, huh, imagine that). It is just not possible.

So please, I understand you’re tilted. I am too after a losing streak, but at least I blame bad luck, not Blizzard for some imaginary conspiracy theory.


Exactly. You’re matched vs people with similar MMR. That’s it. That’s the whole system.


I’d like to know what happened to the DHs when I make an Anti aggro deck. I queue up as a priest (non res) and get placed against 3 res priests in a row…that’s it for tonight, HS. You win


In a game that is practically “Rock-paper-scissors” at this point with how decks are designed, you need more than MMR to keep players close to 50% win rate.

I personally have little doubt that, in addition to MMR, they start matching you against the “paper” to your “rock” when you start getting too far from 50%.

For example, my deck to counter DH stopped facing any DHs once I went on a streak. Considering how dominant DH decks are right now and how many people play them, just going off of MMR I should be seeing more DHs than any other deck and yet I saw 1 in 10 and about 6 matches against decks that countered my deck.


That’s how it works - but the white knights will keep telling you otherwise.

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If this 50% autowinrate is true How can some people reach legend and others not?

You say If you played dh you would be legend already, but are dh not affected by this 50% winrate thing?


The simple answer is the number games played. If you have one of the more powerful decks and know how to pilot it properly, AND you have the time/dedication to pump in a sufficient number of games a season, you’re going to wind up at legend.


basically this ^^^ Just watch any streamer play and I basically would make the exact same plays for the most part. It’s so bad that I have easier games in Diamond and up than I do in platinum sometimes.

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But how exactly? I mean 50% winrate means you win 50% of your games. That means, you lose as much as you win, meaning you don’t climb the ladder but stay on the same rank. How then do you climb?

And now you’re going to go back to your rock-paper-scissors analogy and how Skynet decides to put you against your counter. Again, do you have any idea of the scope of the size of this program to analyse your deck, not only to see what type of deck you have, but also to determine it’s counter? If Blizzard made a program capable of that, they wouldn’t be a gaming company, but make software for the government.

It’s bad luck, dude, accept it.


There is no such thing as a 50% winrate unless there is some incredibly clever algorithm which analyses your deck and your opponents deck before the match even is made and then ensures you get the lowest chance of winning.

Sounds a little unbelievable to me tbh…

Just do what everyone else does notice the matchups your getting and then play a counter deck to it, This game is unbalanced when it comes to some class matchups as some clearly have “easier” times than others like Shaman V Res Priest for example the shaman has so many ways to mess with the res pool but something like a warlock will have a bad time because they cant mess with the res pool so are left with no choice but to get “through” the wall of taunts and reborns.

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I wish they just left some decks at their 60% win rates

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I feel like I should emphasize that I said CLOSE to a 50% win rate, not literally forcing exactly 50% down everyone’s throat. That’s where the volume of games played factors in.

It took what, 25 stars to get from rank 5 to legend in the old system and yet people were averaging hundreds of games to get there. Why? Because even by playing the best decks near perfectly, win rates were still pretty friggin’ close to 50%.

Otherwise, they have win streaks to help push people gradually forward as 3 wins + 3 loses would still be a 1 star gain.

As for how Blizzard knows what deck is a counter deck? They have literally all the data at their fingertips and have a far easier time determining dominant deck types/classes than fan sites, which seem to do pretty well figuring that out with a tiny fraction of that data.

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I agree that Blizzard ‘might’ put you against unfavorable classes after so many wins in a row to basically make you play at a handicap as they may know that classes like druid have basically no big removal so they may end up against a warlock as there is a chance they will be playing big minions.

Now as for examining each players decks before the match has even started is a bit too much for me to accept personally.

I think this is more of a class balance issue though to be honest there cannot be a good balance if X class has advantages before the match even starts.

But what is the answer?? Make all classes equal so only the decks matter ? Would this be a good answer so its more about HOW you play the deck not what cards your class has access to but people would soon notice that only certain cards would be played and we would end up with a very stale meta.

Maybe allowing users to choose a class to play upon the match starts so you can have 3 decks “useable” at any time and when you start the match you can decide what class and deck you want to use in X game, This would minimise the handicap phase of HS but then you would end up with 3 dominant classes, "Oh my opponent is Demon Hunter, I think i,ll use this early taunt deck with healing.

This might be a suitable alternative as games will still ultimately be decided by how you draw just because you choose a favorable deck does NOT mean you are guarantee,d to draw well but you will still feel a bit more in control of how you play, Rather than going “Oh well im playing handlock and my opponent is face demon hunter” and not drawing sac pact early or something and just auto-conceding before the inevitable loss.

Just accept that some classes will have a better chance against you from the start of the match and others you will beat with no issues whatsoever.

Most important tip of the day : Hearthstone is a card game at it,s heart so if you draw badly you will lose regardless and there is 0 you could do to change that, So accept losses will happen either due to your choice of class or the way you draw.

But then they’d still need a program to filter through your deck, to see what it is, how it works, and find a deck that counters it, all in the span of 10 to 60 seconds. Do you really think something like that is possible? If you do, I have a bridge in California to sell to you.

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Im thinkin more about class vs class matchups. Oh you play paladin an won 3 time in a row? Lemme give you rouge. Like the only class thats so good against paladin if its not aggro cant even say how good it against it. But again i was playin a highlander casino mage. Wich i was able to go from dia 5 to 1. But just when i was 2 or 3 win from legend Hs said Nope you just get Dh now on or hunter… Okay i went back to dia 2, then i switchd to paly and getting rouges.

I think you’re making it out to be more complicated than it is. How many different strong deck types does each class have? How many shared cards do they have? It would probably take a program a matter of a few seconds to figure out whether you’re playing an aggro, control, or midrange deck and what class/deck has a high winning percentage against it.

Maybe they figure out what kind of deck you’re playing at deck creation to make the matchmaking portion faster and not require as detailed a filter program as you’re describing. That way all they have to do is match your deck/class with a deck/class with a high win percentage.

A much simpler explanation is that no matter what deck you play, you’ll eventually run into people that play a deck that counters yours. Sure, is is theoretically possible that Blizzard has designed a matchmaking system that takes class/deck into account, but why would they do that? They can just as easily get to a 50%-ish winrate by using a bog-standard MMR system.


because lots of people started playing anti DH decks just like you because there were lots of DH. So you start hitting more non DH

You really only hear what you want to hear to reinforce your view, don’t you?

It. Was. An. Example.

I could try to offer other examples or try but you’ve obviously already made up your mind.

If it were purely MMR, with matching decided by absolutely nothing else except how much you’ve been winning, then you’d see much greater differences in winning percentages and outliers. Personally, I believe Blizzard adds more controls to keep people getting lucky and running massive win records.

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