which spell was released right now that made king tide stronger ?
your logic makes zero sense why are you comparing a spell changing the cost of the entire deck for the rest of the game to a temporary change like king tide ?
you seems to have forgotten pocket galaxy was buffed to 5 mana…
Yeah… While Skyla is definitely an extra way to high roll, and basically doubled the consistency of early big spells, another thing going on here is that mages are now ALSO using watercolor artist to draw and discount tsunami even when they don’t high roll cast it early. That still comes down on turn 6 or 7, and the Conman follow up is just crushing against many decks.
I’m personally still not a fan of Surfalopod or Under the sea due to deck building restrictions, but watercolor artist was super slept on prior to Skyla.
Are you high…
Luna changed cost of minions and ONLY minions.
What i has saying is that your argument is poor at best, we had cards in Mage that mana cheat untouched sometimes for over a year(and later nerfed to hell).
That doesnt make them immune to balance changes.
I forgot it so much i dont shut up about it on this forums lmao, i doubt theres anyone on this forums with more posts about this card history.
Pocket Galaxy had 0 impact on release, Incanter’s Flow was fine for a YEAR and spell that reduced the mana cost of ALL cards in the deck of no Minion Mage.
Incanters Flow ended up at 4 mana, King Tide is an auto win in a mirror if you go first and play it on turn 4.
Impossible to recover from that, if you think they arent looking at that oh boy.
Off course they avoid nerfs to legendary and new cards as much as possible.
But this is Mage land and the nerfs are like damocles sword.
Also important to not that they actively said during the nerf that they considered 6 mana BUT prefered to be sure it would be killed rather than have it still popular.
You know. How dare you let people play BLUE cards because they like ?
That can only happen to Highlander warrior.