45% of opponents are mages at legend

this decks reminds me of demonseed warlock before it was nerfed

i played unnerfed demonseed day 1 and 2, i remember it

edit: im tired

Try fatigue lock with double domino. Domino should help clear big boards and you should have bodies t4 to absorb the tsunami.

At least donkey HS reports fatigue lock is heavily favored.

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I don’t know, my winrate against druids were 61%, 14-9, which is better than my overall winrate (57%) but not even one of the easiest matchups.

I’m confused, are you talking about Painlock vs Druid or Painlock vs Mage now?

Now that’s ironic, considering that I dropped insanity for painlock cuz I started to struggle with it, lol, and now I have to switch back to it again xD

Will do, thanks for the tip

Versus mage and druid both seems to be easy, but then again I think I’m in a bracket where players are playing sub optimal builds, for example sunset volley

You definitely are, my winrate in 1k-3k is more than 64%, while in top 1k it drops to like 57% or so

It’s disgusting how the skill gap increases, rather than decreases the closer you are to the top 20

mage finally has a standard deck lets play it before they nerf it


It’s pretty clear that Skyla is likely looking at a nerf. The mulligan stats on the card are looking pretty insane, and it’s causing blowout games left and right.

It’s not going to kill the archetype if she is weakened.

On a Mage deck not going for card killing nerfs???

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If crusader’s aura can exist. This should be fine.

Not perfectly balanced or overpowered. Just fine.

I just fought a mage who didn’t draw/play skyla. But he did cast tsunami 3 times. Cheated once with king tide. Once with the rogue 4/4. And a final one where he hard cast with help of coins he got with rogue weapon. Oh and on turn 6 he played under the sea to get an 8/8.

But I just had the nutty luck

First I had DK hero to kill off that 8/8 from under the sea.

I happened to discover a 0 mana skeletal sidekick of toysnatcher, which I paired with hollow hound to clear 3 things and heal for 15

Oh and as I was experimenting with the card, I happened to do a nasty board clear with eternal layover + remorseless winter. Yeah it was turn 8. Yeah I’m left with no board. But it did kill off his second wave of tsunami.

I survived to 10 with 3 health. He had a board with full health elementals (his last cast, the hard cast after I did tha wipe). I had no board.

But then… ::sighs as he himself hates it when done to him:: I dropped the 1/4 2 drop, give 0 mana reska reborn, and proceed to kill half his board (2 elementals), and steal the other half. Threw down the 8/8 toysnatcher and the 0 mana distressed kvaldir to add as much board as possible (kvaldir got reborn too).

He had no burn from hand to finish my 3 health. He pinged me to 2. He played dirty rat hoping it stalls enough for another turn so he finds something.

Except my DK hero power discovers another skeletal sidekick (yes luck would have it I got the upgrade), giving me that extra 2 damage to lethal through the rat :joy:

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Do you imply you’re still F2P, and don’t want to craft the latest broken deck?

Because that’s how some people rank the highest for sure.

One has a yellow border the other a blue, no other words needed to explain why some are ok and the others not.

You main the class you should be well aware how things work.


No. I playing rogue with the New rogue skin. Jaina.

Don’t you see the coins ?

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an easy but bad fix for this is to make it so the coin isnt a spell, make it truly a COIN

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So kill Rogue forever to murder a Mage deck???
Not a good plan but still a plan.

i said it was bad, but it is blizzard

The tourist is definitely going to get some kind of adjustment.

You could always King Tide into Tsunami or Volley, but now you can use the tourist on turn five or earlier if you have multiple coins. It’s just another way to cheat out big spells earlier so it’s more consistent. The icing on top is being able to copy Tsunami or Volley two more times with the battlecry for four mana.

I could see both cards getting mana cost increased by one.

king tide been fine for a long time at 4 mana

if they change something itll probably be skyla to 6 mana

meanwhile ill keep laughing at those whose said the tsunami change was a nerf and not a buff

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Lunas Pocket Galaxy was fine at 5 mana for many months…
What kind of reasoning is that???

Thats not a get out of jail free pass for Mage, never had been.

I’m guessing the same kind of reasoning where somehow in a mage thread, we bring up crusader aura.

It seems that in the MCU (Mage Cinematic Universe), everything can be traced back to whining about Paladins.

Paladins be like Thanos: “You couldn’t live with your own (mage) failures, where did that bring you? Back to me”