45% of opponents are mages at legend

I played about 30 games today around 1-2k legend, and my tracker shows nearly 45% of opponents have been mages playing the new tsunami deck.

The new tourist card seems absolutely busted. I’m playing hyperagro to try to get under them and it’s a 50/50% chance that on turn 4 i either lethal them or am staring at a board full of free-cast water elementals and get lethaled right back (also on turn 4).

Perhaps the excitement will die down a bit in a few days but i don’t see how any remotely slower deck can reasonably stand a chance against this. Something probably needs to be changed about the new tourist card.


Some slower decks have no issue with it at all believe it or not. Lots of people are playing decks that hard counter it.

Shudderwock Shaman with Squawk is one example. You can’t get over the triple Zilliax back to back to back.

Another deck is the taunt warrior deck that does a similar thing but with Hydration station.

What we have now is just more scam. Every deck is trying to scam as much as possible and the new BSM just got upgraded scam.


I’m doubtful that shaman or warrior can live long enough to pull off their infinite value thing but I’ll take your word for it. Mage is now very consistent at spamming out free water elementals or free massive minions around turn 4-5 while also clearing your board with their charge or sunsetvolley respectively.

Well I played it to legend today. The matchups that stopped me were those decks along with several other things like Reno Druid. If they get Reno for free off an early Marin, you won’t win.

Insanity warlock is also a near impossible win.

As crazy as it sounds, even if you play Tsunami on 4 or 5, several decks will still rip through you.

That’s how stupidly crazy powerful decks are nowadays in this meta.

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I had a earthin paladin run over my mage deck, 3/6 That freezes is nothing compared to a 12 14 and 16

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That’s just lame game design. I’m pretty sure they did not anticipate it which makes the development process dumb.

Reno warrior is again a tyrant on very skilled hands because they can draw very fast and increase that probability.

Don’t you know? That’s the exciting explosive game design they want in the game. It’s so much fun for the player to do those kinds of plays. I guess they forgot how the opponent feels terrible about it.

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So far, even with near perfect draw, Tsunami mage beat me every time today one turn before I would be able to stabilize as Highlander Warrior.

Yes, but then there’s the rogue card that replays your last spell, so it’s not just a Tsunami on turn 4, it’s a Tsunami on turn 4 and then 5 as well.

Yup, Reno druid will destroy you. It’s a hard counter to any slow board based deck such as BSM tsunami variant.

And no, a t4 board of 3/6 elementals is not enough pressure for the druid to keel over, they can handle much stronger pressure decks with ease.

Funny enough they actually teach this as a fundamental concept in game design 101.

Randomness in games, is generally a wash in terms of player sentiment. Specially, for how good it feels for one player to get a certain outcome, you can be sure the other player feels pretty much as bad. It doesn’t matter if the outcome is infinitely good (win the game) or bad (lose the game) it’s symmetric.

The key to using randomness well is to give games interesting choices based on randomness. That is were RNG can have a net positive effect on player sentiment towards your game.

Unfortunately, at least the current devs, are fumbling this so badly it’s comical, bordering on absurd.

60% for me in top 200, the game’s unplayable


Afaict Reno druid should be a hard counter to the tsunami mage, but will lose to painlock. Is this correct? I haven’t played enough and also I dusted Reno as I hate the card design.

Has not been my experience at all.

I have no idea about any of those

I played 100+ games of painlock but don’t remember much of reno druids (it’s a problem to know which druid you’re playing against when you end games turn 4-5)

And obviously I’m not ever playing a reno deck to know if it counters mage

And even more obviously, I’m not playing a 60% popularity deck, it’s too many mirrors

TL:DR I gave up playing, I’m waiting for the hotfix

Interesting are you playing Reno druid or BSM ?

If BSM beats Reno druid it means it must have from hand damage, there’s no way to beat a Reno druid with board based damage unless you are hyper aggro like painlock.

I believe smeet mentioned a 22dmg from hand burn which might explain it.

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I was playing Excavate Highlander Warrior, but my option for clears doesn’t do much against 12 damage and 4- 3/6 Elementals and the 4/5 that let them be played on turn 4-6. Even when I could clear it because they didn’t get good draw early, they just replayed it with the 4-mana rogue card, and even if I cleared it a third time, I’ve taken about 24 damage and they just wrap it up with a sunset volley.

I might be able to live a little longer if I play absolutely no minions before turn 6, but if the mage goes second then their chance to win rises absurdly.

I think probably most of them were Reno druids.

Did you see the 5/4 dragon or the 3/5 dormant dragon? Those two are inferior dragons only run in the Reno build due to the highlander constraint.

Are you not beating them consistently with painlock? I don’t play much but currently farmed like 5 of them in 5 games over the past two days.

Though I got in at legend around 3k so still in the 1 to 2k bracket. The players here might be dumb and building the BSM decks wrong.

Ah there is your problem, excavate warrior is like a t4 deck, no pressure and hoping to win through bomb boss.

Reno druid is like a t1ish deck, it’s got insane pressure late game and infinite value. The Marin turns happen early and can easily blow out opponents…

Reno can be online turn 5 sometimes, but no need to play it then.

If you want to beat BSM mage, Reno druid is probably your best bet.

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My win rate with it has been pretty good with all the druid fodder. I only picked it back up because I find both dragon/tempo and highlander druid insufferable, and for the most part highlander warrior counters both druid decks.

Regardless of the deck’s “tier” Getting 5 bodies with roughly equal stats of 3-6 and doling out 12 damage on turn 4 at the earliest is not an acceptable thing. I’m actively watching a streamer in high legend, they or their opponent get their tourist and play Tsunami on turn 5 at least 50% of the time. That’s not hyperbole. It’s all mages (and the rare warlock) right now.