18.6.1 Patch Notes

18.6.1 Patch Notes

The 18.6.1 patch includes several updates for Duels and Battlegrounds!

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any news why some people got multiple twitch drops for duels but others not? there are people with like 8 drops and others watching for days got nothing.


Wow, some amazing battlegrounds changes coming. I don’t have duels access so I can’t speak on that, but battlegrounds is bound to be better after this I’m sure.


I like the battlegrounds updates. Too many to mention individually.

The nerf to shaman hero power in duels kind of ruins my favorite build but I’ll get over it.

So how does the new amalgadam work ?
Wont the amalgadam consider himself as a minion anymore so one buff is lost upon playing him?


He will not count himself when rolling to adapt anymore. It will remove one adaptation from when he’s played and makes him more valuable in menagerie builds and gives people fewer chances to high roll when playing him just by himself otherwise on a board of 6 of the same minion type.


I still think the Elemental endgame is too strong. No limit to how much minions can grow compared to the other tribes (with mini rag or the chief). Malygos is not even close for dragons and mama bear too.


Currently Elementals are in every battlegrounds games. They now will be joining the regular rotation of minion types so you won’t see them every game.


Finally BG update :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Excellent BG changes. Looking forward to them.

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That text is too wordy in confusing. I think they’re trying to say “For each OTHER minion type, adapt”


That’s what i understood

As of now, elementals are always in the card pool while playing battlegrounds but as of tomorrow, they wont. So you might get a game without any elementals in the pool.

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Am I reading the notes wrong, or is Tess insanely powerful now? They wouldn’t give her the ability to buy someone else’s buffed and/or gold minions, would they?


Tess change …

Can someone explain ? Warband jnstead of minions… does that mean previously it could offert token from the fight ? Does it still cap out to the maximum minions offert imo the tier you are or you get the entire warband no matter the tier ?

Thank you.

Very nice balance changes for BG. Minor buff to demons and mechs, but in my view not quite enough as those 2 appear to be the most underpowered currently. Changes for pirates are nice, but disappoint me, since I play on mobile and APM is a lost cause - would much rather have seen something to address platform differences first. Almost all nice changes to heroes. But hooktusk did not require a nerf…

Extremely happy with menagerie buffs, much needed.

For me, Galakrond is the big winner out of this. The freeze is lost, but either can get a T6 on 7 gold turn, or just get a 1-tier up minion every turn!

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What i get for the change is that you will be able to buy any minion that you oponent had (even tokens). But it will be its basic form with no extra stats or golden ones

I’d really love for you to make the mecha and demons stronger.
Sometimes you just can’t win against other classes.

I love BG, thx


Shame Nomi wasn’t removed. Clearly the biggest issue.


Great BG changes! I think Malygos would be great if his HP could be used on both a friendly and tavern minion each turn.

Rag’s HP could be nerfed to require 30 minions, also using the number 3 again. Or, with Lil’ Rag going back to a 4/4, just play with 4s again and restore the number 8 ‘flavor’. 20 minions required, giving +2/+2 each turn.