18.6.1 update POG

Continuing the discussion from 18.6.1 Patch Notes:


Just good.

The signature treasure nerf for demon hunter was unnecessary but no one builds around it anyway.

Big boosts to Rogue with changes to the hero power cost and the class treasure buff. Shaman gets hit pretty hard on their hero power nerf, that board control was big for them.

Very cool stuff looks fun

No nerf on mage hero power ? Of course, of course

Not sure it’s the best anymore bud

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Also junkbot is untouched :neutral_face: T5 is only slightly less highrolly with djinn gone


Also let me be the first to predict that galakrond will be broken.

Indeed, at turn 6 a 6 star minion or even a lightfang enforcer at 5

Mechs need something re-worked for sure and Junkbot is just completely outclassed as a minion in its current state. I can’t believe they’ve left that alone, but perhaps they only dealt with what they can right now and whatever is being internally tested hasn’t come to light.

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I’m extremely pleased with the patch, though there are a few head-scratches in there.

The duels changes do a lot to achieve hero balance by reducing hero power cost to the weaker heroes. It will level the playing field a lot.

I’m a little confused why shaman got a nerf at the same time as the others got buffed. I know shaman has an edge over paladin, DH, and mage, especially in the early rounds, but not by much once the treasures roll out. I think we will see shaman being much, much less effective because they were nerfed alongside the other class buffs. Too bad because shaman is one of the game’s more unique classes, but still, I’m happy with the overall direction.

BG has been my hobby for the last year. I’ve got around 3000 games and have seen every patch. I’m so happy to see the bottom of the barrel heroes get buffed. I’m not sure why it took so long, but at least it happened. After a year of power creep, this lower tier was growing increasingly hopeless every day.

I think the nerf to elementals is fine. Elementals will still be a good choice, but will require an amount of luck that resembles other tribe’s required luck. You won’t be able to so easily force elementals as players have been able to do.

The changes to iron sensi and wrath weaver are substantial and will make a big impact for those tribes. These were smart changes that with minimal shifting of cards, makes a big impact.

Pirates on the other hand, can’t be helped by more stats. Didn’t the last patch show that outright when stat buffs did not change a thing? I think an endless wave of pirate stat-buffs will not matter. I feel like this set of changes may have been proposed by someone who doesn’t actually play competitively on BG, because all this does is strengthen their mid-game, where they were already strong. The late game change to the admiral is, unfortunately, so far shy of being competitive, it doesn’t scratch the surface. Without either poison or divine shield (or a counter to those), Pirates can’t win games, period. Expect no change to pirates placing in top 2. They may place in 3rd and 4th better though. Does that make you want to play them? Me neither.

RIP Nefarian? They removed Nefarian after zero attempts to tweak him. That was pretty weak. I’ve seen several good suggested tweaks to him and not one was tried.

I am also very happy to seem them buffing the other hero’s, it was really really needed, now I feel like I will have a better chance at competing when being offered what used to be a subpar hero

shaman is one of the strongest classes currently in duels and being able to consistently roll basic totem + mana tide totem gives them alot of board presence while drawing through their deck

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