18.6.1 Patch Notes

its a great patch, now if you didnt have to pay2win in battlegrounds, I would resume playing it. HS will unfortunately keep uninstalled until I have the same amount of heroes available.

arent all heroes unlocked by now for everyone ? even the last one they added ?

They should be added either way i get enough gold by just doing the quests or playing Bgs to unlock the heroes anyway. I would not really call it pay to win.


Great changes, lots of good upgrades.
But I do feel like the changes to elemental are not dealing with their main issue:
-the fact they have great early , mid and late game scaling

Molten rock and Party elemental (both tier 2) are such a strong combo for such an early game.

This is in sorts what got fixed with murlocks, they had all of these.

Pirates scales midgame-lategame
Dragons scales lategame
Mech scales midgame-lategame
Beast scales lategame
demons scales early-mid game
murlock scales early-mid game

so why such great discrepancies between the different minon types?

I was chatting with someone that suggested they may boost other tribes to compete with elementals and it seems that’s what is happening (kinda).

Crackling Cyclone still OP. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looking forward to trying all the new hero powers out in BGs.
When will this update go live? anyone know?

5 of november is the actualization

Wow you guys went all in with these “battleground” changes. I will say this though, it seems a bit supercharged. We’ll see what the combinations will be like, but it looks like TEMPO will be crazy at TURN 2!

Thank you for this much needed balance, very appreciated!

yes cause nerfing lil rags stats is really gonna matter… LOL


Yo-Ho-Ogre should not have been touched. Pirates are weak enough as it is…not need to crap in their faces.

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Lightfang is back!

I like the changes but i think elementals will still be too strong as the core problem with them is not adressed.

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They are but you still oinly get 2 choices if you dont pay money for it. Some people have issues with that.

Crackling cyclone still not nerfed. It is a card that can single handedly carry an elemental build through the mid game with a buff or two. And in the late game when tripled, can take 3-4 enemies out with it before the player can respond. Lil rag stats nerf is a joke. How about some buffs on the non-elemental 5 and 6 star cards?

Hooktusk didn’t really get nerfed, her HP went up to (1) mana but she got the ability to Discover the card again instead of just getting a random one, which is what made her really powerful previously. Good change IMO.

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Yeah it was overpowered at 0, probably will be slightly weak at 1.

If only there was a way to make it cost .5 gold. Maybe they could make any “half” gold carry over to the next turn until you hit 10 gold where it doesn’t carry over anymore.

The problem with for each other minion type adapt is that he is all minion types, there for there would be no “other” minion types, which is why they chose the wording they did

All it does is reduce the number of adapts by 1 each time you play it. Seems fair, but I probably won’t be picking it as often anymore. It’s kind of nice to have another menagerie specific minion though.

Amalgadon is still a very powerful minion just being able to fit it into any build and the fact that it can get buffed by any buff card is already very powerful on its own.

Can confirm that it would offer tokens. Yesterday I had a triple with two tokens that I got from hero power roll, so I remember clearly.
Your reasoning made sense to me. Now it should refresh the tavern with only tavern minions, no more tokens.
It should still cap out the maximum minions offered, there is no indication that it changed.

at least they removed nefarian
wasnt it one of the worst choices?

Nefarian was okay back when divine shield murlocs was a thing.

Really before pirates were in the game or even before dragons. It just got outclassed by power ramp and by the meta shift that removing Megasaur and Holy Mackeral caused.

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