4/23/2019 - BLZBNTAGT00000907, BLZBNTAGT000008FC, and missing Play button

i listened other people with same problem , i was playng and logged , i see the install button but i closed bnet app to prevent wrong updates …

EU server , win 8.1

same here! nothing i can do! cant find the game plus i can’t install it because this error message!

Hey all,

I’ve renamed the thread to better capture all the issues we are seeing with this. We started getting reports of this problem in both US and EU regions about an hour ago. Our engineers are checking it out. Thank you for the reports and your patience so far. We’ll provide updates as we can!


Same here, started since the maintenance of 23/04/2019.

Americas server , win 7

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I hope you can fix it within 2 hours, cause I have 3 quests and I don’t want to mill one.

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Same here, I played yesterday without problems, when I was going to start today it kept appearing this same error. (EU)

Followed the steps of Metalagon
Now Diablo 3 and Wow are broken as well
The entire list of installed bnet games are borked :confused:

Hey everybody,

The battlenet app folks are aiming to get logs of the problem now. [Removed instructions - We have plenty of logs now. Thank you all! Please use the Blizz button on the right to see more Blue posts on this issue.]


The Problem is not on client side, it must be on Blizzard Server’s side or any errors in the Blizzard app itself.
I installed nothing and changed nothing on my Operating System, and I’m getting the same errors in my BNet Client Software. I cannot play Hearthstone, i tried to uninstall it, nothing, only errors. The same when I deleted the Bnet Cache.

Please fix this.


Same here,
if i try to update: “Something went wrong between our server and your client. Give it another shot.”
More help: BLZBNTAGT00000907

if i try to install: “Whoops! Looks like something broke. We’ll try to fix it, so please try again later.”
More help: BLZBNTAGT000008FC

(obs: Already sent the email)

Done, email has been sent

Done too. Na server for my part

Already sent it, good luck fixing it

I just deleted the Bnet cache folder and now I cannot even open Bnet app, really?

I am touching nothing,i think its best to wait it out.


I have the same problem with Hearthstone and with StarCraft 2 as well. Hope you guys will fix it as soon as possible.
Also I sent the email.

Sent. Hope it can be sorted soon.

Hey again folks!

Thank you all so much for getting us that information so quickly! We have dozens of reports now and it’s plenty information for the engineers to investigate. Y’all are awesome. I’m removing the old request for information now, and we’ll give you more details once we have them.

For now, please avoid troubleshooting this error - it may break the app further.


I already deleted HS and Battle net… Now Battle net doesn’t install either D:


Don’t worry about that for now. I know this is getting in your way of enjoying the game, but we are pretty confident the problem is on our end and it’ll require a code patch to resolve. We’ll tell you how to fix it as soon as we know how.