32.0 Patch Notes

32.0 Patch Notes

Patch 32.0 starts the Year of the Raptor with Hearthstone’s latest expansion, Standard rotation, Core Set updates, a huge balance patch, community days, and more!

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Bob’s change should have included a reduction to the number of coins given. Since they get to keep the minion now, it should be 1 coin

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Honestly, Bob’s recruit option is now more beneficial to the opponent, they keep their minion AND get extra mana. Who came up with this?

For the anti-bob crowd, sure it was an issue if your minion was stolen, but it is a tradeoff, they take your minion, you get 3 coins, take and give. Now it’s copy and give


They made this change to make us stop using it. It was a counter for unkilliax, but since they will remove reborn from virus modul they believe we won’t need this mindcontrol card anymore.

So… if I understand this right… the core set won’t rotate tomorrow, it will happen only on the day of the expansion release, right? For some reason I believed it will be rotated tomorrow.

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mind control would be slightly better, because that would keep the minion on the field, instead of just copying it, then waiting to play it

One of the best patches ive seen i feel every problem card has been adressed.

Alot of the changes are what i hope it would be.

Lastly the unnerfs are going to make for a fun last few weeks before expansiosn launch.

you do know the unnerfs don’t take effect until AFTER launch right?

I changed my reply the unnerfs happen tomorow i asked a content creator.

So were in for a very fun week with all the unnerfs which is rly cool as all the old decks get a chance to shine in standard for one last time :slight_smile:

Yeah the Bob nerf is mainly about making Bob much worse to play and not to balance it (so don’t read more into it).

The rotation always happens on full release. Tomorrow is only brawl and opening of packs (for the brawl).

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Sorry, I used a wrong word maybe… it was not mind control… it was a remover because our goal was to not let unkilliax die so can’t be resurrected.

Why is there no information about the new (old thats coming back) cards that were loaded into Battleground on Monday? I can’t find any information about this anywhere

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