3+ weeks of closed shop. cant buy anything


Closing this thread as it’s getting off-topic, the main workaround has been provided multiple times make sure you have installed it Here. Install: vc_redist.x64.exe
Our team is double-checking this issue and investigating it though but the workaround above has many confirmed cases of it fixing the problem.

Shop Closed can also be related to other problems if that doesn’t help:

  1. Windows, graphics, or other drivers not up to date.

  2. Date and time correction.

  3. At the desktop press Windows key + R) Type in: %Appdata% Within the folder that appears Delete the Blizzard folder.

  4. Make sure any anti-virus or firewall software on the system is setup to exclude Hearthstone.

If issues continue post in the main tracking thread Here.

Thank you.