3 New Paladin Cards

In a world that Mage has Wisdom of Norgannon i highly doubt it.
No matter how broken the card is if it has anti synergy Mage most likely will play with their own staples.

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Yeah, these cards will be good in a cheap spell deck though, you think?

You must be talking about wild and i dont think Raylla will ever be good enough for that format.

You cant expect a fair card with the potential to BACKFIRE on you to ever be a thing in my opinion.

Skylla is the way to go, the effect is so broken theres stuff that we might not even be seeing right now for it.


I was just thinking about the heal and the draw. Vacation Planning seems like it would be a way to extend your game time until you draw what you need?

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and 3 bodies to just take some heat

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Whats your game plan here?
Wisdom is already a better card and you leave recruits in the field to serve as foder for lifesteal minions(giving a chance to your opponent to remain out of range of an OTK).

Even Paladin with its broken synergistic cards struggles to make dude decks work, i dont see any upside for Mage there.
4 heal on a class that has a major weakness in healing doesnt seen quite worth it for me.


heal for 4
draw 2
summon 3 minions
after that i dont care what happens

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Rainbow mage would be more excited for the card if it actually had the holy tag. As it stands, it’s not bad. It’s an extra draw option, but it’s not great either.

Basically the same issue paladin has for it. Almost everyone would prefer this to cost 3 and lose either the recruits or the heal 4.


I do when my Jaina portrait explodes the turn after.
She has been coming on with a bad case of spontaneous exploding this days.

Best avoid those types of cards but i hear Skyla has a cure for that.
Heres hoping the cure is strong enough.

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i like when faces explode, mine can explode all day, so long as i’m having fun


The best Paladin deck right now is Handbuff and they’re not running any of these. I’m not saying Vacation Planning’s time will never come, but it’s not coming until at least one full expansion from now.

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That’s heresy on these forums.


Seems like a nice replacement for my Flash of Light card, I was using it on turn 4 mostly anyway… and 2 card draws seems much more useful than 1… mainly with some Silverhands summoning.

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People are overhyping Vacation Planning way too much.

Sure, it does a lot, but read it again, for 4 mana, it’s not that impactful. The first effect is almost irrelevant; 4 Health is insignificant. Summoning 3 minions is a 2-mana play in today’s game, and the extra 2 mana just to draw 2 cards isn’t worth the loss of pressure.

This card is tough to fit, especially in Paladin. I’m calling it now: it won’t see any serious play for a long time.


I think it’s a generally strong card and will probably see play eventually. But it’s being overhyped in this thread.

By way of analogy, I think it’s very similar to the Mage card Cold Case, from Nathria. Cold Case saw a lot of play, in decks that mostly had nothing to do with Volatile Skeletons, because it was just plain solid for 4 mana, but it was never super amazing or broken. Vacation Planning will probably see play eventually in Paladin decks just as a solid card to act as filler, the 29th and 30th card so to speak, very similar to how Cold Case was run.

Maybe some Silver Hand Paladin archetype will spring up at some point, but it’ll probably be weak and fringe. Like how Cold Case was in some Kelthuzad decks back in the day.

But it’s not a minion so Handbuff will pick different filler for now.

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I don’t think it even comes close.

Cold Case found its place in decks because it addressed Mage’s lack of early pressure, often shifting the game back in Mage’s favor.

This card, on the other hand, is for Paladin, a class built around board-centric strategies. For it to work, the draw effect needs to be heavily discounted or overwhelmingly powerful, like drawing five cards with Magatha without restrictions.

In my view, it’s especially weak in Paladin. If a Paladin spends Turn 4 summoning three minions, it’s hard to see how that leads to winning the game.

It feels more like a prelude for a Control Paladin archetype that’s being developed, because I can’t see any other way it becomes useful. Though, I suspect, if it would even be included in that type of deck.

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I think it fits into Flood Paladin just fine. Only problem is that Flood Paladin isn’t that good, and this card isn’t likely to give it more than a slight bump.

It’ll absolutely be part of a control Paladin if such a thing can be built, which I think is likely over a period of more than a year, which is why I said it’ll probably see significant play.

It isn’t quite an auto include in every Paladin archetype though.


I believe the outrage stems from an initial reaction to the numbers.

When people see the card and notice the 4, 3, and 2, they might think, ‘Wow, 4 mana for all this is too cheap!’ But in reality, the card is quite weak.

The 4 doesn’t do anything, the 3 is a 2-mana effect, and so is the 2. In fact, Hunter even has a 1-mana Tutor-like effect that draws 2 cards, so I might be overestimating if drawing 2 cards is still considered a 2-mana effect.

I’d even go so far as to call it very clearly a ‘fair’ card.
Combined with being in the wrong class, this makes it completely unplayable. (for now at least)

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Well I think Cold Case is another example of a “fair” card strong enough to see inclusion by just offering a lot of reasonable stuff for a 4 mana cost.

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Cold Case’s 8-damage spread cannot be compared to this, it’s times better.

It’s the same for what makes Mining Casualties on DK ‘fair,’ but strong.

It’s sticky and has damage that can’t be avoided.

You dropped the Cold Case and you just made the opponent’s life miserable if they were board-centric, because, how do you answer the 4-damage spread DR? You can only trade, because if you give it to Mage to do the trading, the outcome will be even worse. You need control what you can.

This card lacks that effect. 1/1 minions with no additional effects are essentially worthless.

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