3 New Paladin Cards

maybe i can make a wild even questline just need to get the quest out of an etc

thats a fun casual deck

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I never really did odd/even decks. The one I see the most is even shaman.

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even shaman is the best one
1 mana totem is nuts


Lmao you expect the masters of draw to roll over and play anti synergy Paladin cards???
Its over mate Rylla is long forgotten and buried, even the devs gave up on that.

Moving on to real cards like Skyla.

Havenā€™t run into Rainbow Mage 5.0 (or whatever itā€™s at now) huh

if i use the card, then yes
i expect it to happen
it will happen
cause i will play it

I sympathize given how boring it is to play Paladin that you want to use those cards on a class thats actually fun to play.
However Paladin as proven itself an unworthy dance partner and those of us that have hope for Mage future are looking ahead to greener pastures.

By all means play what you want , i rather tango with a class that doesnt need to look in a mirror to find a partner.

Eh, Iā€™ve been enjoying being able to heal for 10-15 with lifeguard + star power or sunset volley.

Skyla is just going to be better for closing out games rather than stalling them in my deck.


Thats all i got from all that noise.

There are metas Iā€™d rather have the lifeguard healing and 2/7 taunts.

There are metas Iā€™d rather an extra card to cheat out big spells and the ability to repeat them more.

One isnā€™t always better than the other, itā€™s a bit meta dependent.

With the current meta, Skyla is the winner though.

what is it about spell casting classes in like, any game ever that makes people talk like some kind of pretentious incel anyways

You must know a great many pretentious incels to make this claim.
Itā€™s incredibly offensive.

yeah, and most of them were Mage mains back when I played WoW

Of course they were.
You going back to message, or did you have some political views to express as well?

Why am I the one on trial, Iā€™m not the one Waxing Poetic about being above using those cards in a childrenā€™s card game.

Well, I only noticed you hurling insults.
I cannot speak for the body of the argument you were having, as your offensive sidebar distracted the conversation.

Not at all my friend, i long gave up on deranged individuals.
My mood is sky high after a return to form to a real Mage past proven pairing.

The ravings of Exes are of no consequence.

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Fine, you want to know my politics? Itā€™s whatever side that agrees on kicking sand into the faces of people who unironically talk like this.

Iā€™m looking forward to trying the new cards. Idk if these cards see play with Raylla. I doubt it. They are to expensive I think.

Now you are just trolling. Go back to message and let us know why you like or dislike the new pally cards.