3 New Paladin Cards

Drawing cards is an effect.


I get that.

I expect this card to see some play, but it won’t be the star of the deck as some people suggest. As you mentioned, it will likely be on the lower end of the best cards Paladin has for said deck.


Exactly. It’ll be more like the unsung workhorse if anything. No one will ever make a QQ thread about it more than a week after release.


Drawing is a very important thing in a class such as paladin, which actually is notorious for having poor draw options. Plus, drawing in a board-centric aggro deck like flood pala is also a very welcome thing. That deck needs to keep flooding the board with tokens to maintain pressure without running out of steam. This card does both things at the same time, with a marginal healing upside. The only reason why flood pala could struggle to fit this in the deck is simply because turn 4 is very crowded already. Come rotation tho, this card is bound to replace something in that deck in the 4 mana slot if it doesn’t fit already.

Edit: as a paladin card in general, this card is more comparable to Hammer of Wrath to me. 3 mana draw 1 and 3 damage vs 4 mana draw 2, 3 1/1 tokens and healing. It’s well rounded as a general purpose card imo.


It appears there is already a NEW Paladin deck on ladder being played now. I guess they are preparing for the new cards in advance. This is more my speed of Paladin deck as opposed to the other three we normally see played. A very interesting deck design.

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So Trust Fall can discover 1 or even 2 Leeroys ? buckle your seatbelts, you know that Leeroy 12 atk / 4 hp x2 is coming.

Common ¡ Minion ¡ Perils in Paradise ¡ Battlecry: Give your 1-Attack minions +1/+1.

1 atk elementals in mage getting buffed is nice

They only run 1 minion and 1 spell generation and that’s not an elemental. Why would they run the tourist + this in elemental mage? Or are you talking about something else?

i dont think in terms of meta, i am looking at the whole of elementals and the whole of mage

it’ll be fun, i’ll try it out

If that would cost 3 without the heal it would replace light of battle in aggro pally for sure. Now I’mnot sure it will fit at all. Maybe one?

Firefly and flame geyser (possibly Synthesize) in Wild is all, I believe. So idk that this will be as good as you might be thinking

I just got an aneurysm, someone needs to stop this man.
The levels of chaos are off the charts.

I would like to know his thinking on the topic. I can’t find many cards that this affects in Ele mage.

He got this crazy idea on his head that the game should be played for fun.
This goes against all logic and the pillar standards of this forums.

He also enjoys to see Jaina explode,if you ask me capital punishment should be on the table for that affront.


Seems to be a recurring theme here on forums. The men who claim to love women the most sure are quick to bully them.

there are at least 8 elementals in wild with 1 atk, if you run two thats 16

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what do i get for playing to rank up, whats my prize? what do i get outside of this game for being good?

i dont need money
i dont need fame

what is my prize?

Set this to music, you could have a Bowie song.

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The personal satisfaction of triumph over your fellow men.
Opens all kinds of doors for you as well ,like non stop gloating of your rank that can be used to win any argument in this forums.

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Hasn’t worked all that well one for one player who comes to mind.