3 New Paladin Cards


vacation planning seems extremely good, trust fall seems good too, busy bot is good in the right deck.

Vacation Planning might see play in flood and other fringe decks, Trust Fall is probably too slow but who knows and Busy Bot is for a deck that doesn’t exist yet.

Vacation planning just kind of feels like blizz was desperate to get people to use recruit cards, so it stapled a bunch of other stuff on it you want to do.


Vacation planning is just broken.



I guess they are trying to make Silver Hand decks a thing again?

Is it though? Draw and healing are valued at lot less nowadays as well as 3 silverhands (warlock summons 3 1/1 for 1-mana). 4-mana is a lot to pay in aggro so you often won’t be able to summon your zilliax or sea giant alongside it. I mean I’ll certainly play it in my Earthen and Reno decks but I’d have a hard time replacing a card in Flood Paladin to put this.

i did have me some fun with Silver Hand Pally, might just have to dust it off n goof around with it in a few days

Im surprised vacation planning doesnt also get me the morning paper and breakfast in bed…

Insane levels of power creep, aka Paladin as usual.


Yeah, but that’s warlock, and he pays 3 hp for it, not gains 4

We gotta analyze it mathematically as precise as possible:

we got:

a) 3 mana summon 3x 1/1 and equip a 1/4 weapon,
b) 5 mana summon 5x 1/1.

Heal is, admittedly, worth almost 0 for Pally, so that part can be ignored.

But draw 2 cards?? That alone is worth 3 mana (Arcane Intellect, for example), or less with a big downside (stack up 3-4 different spell schools, pay 3 dmg to face and choke your deck…)

In our case, he draws those 2 cards with an upside (heal 4), so it’s gotta be worth 3 mana just for that part, which leaves only 1 mana for summon 3x 1/1.

That’s a powercreep squared. That’s just plain broken.

Paladin isn’t even a card-drawing class. He patiently buffs and controls the board until he gets what he needs to win. Sure, he can tutor cards now and then, but that also comes with downsides, and this is drawing multiple cards, not tutoring one.

It’s broken.


Why did I believe they will give a new Tourist for all the classes after seen 2 new? :confused:


Stand against darkness is 4-mana now, and sees no play. Muster for Battle is one of the worst cards in flood paladin, andit’s played because of the 3 minions that discount Zilliax and Sea Giant. The extra mana is a huge price to pay for an aggro deck even if it draws 2, which is worth 2-mana at most (druids and warriors pay less than that). And against these classes you need to smorc as fast as you can.

No, they don’t, they pay exactly 3 mana

Take to the skies - 3 mana draw 2 dragons (occassionally better than draw 2 random cards, occassionally worse, so on average, it’s 3 mana draw 2)

Warrior can pay anything from 2 to 3 mana to draw 2 cards, but it’s all conditional.

Also, as I’ve stated previously, it’s not really precision if you compare between classes, as they normally have their own weaknesses and strengths.

Either way, that’s my opinion based on the match I could find, but ofc, it’s quite possible it doesn’t see play at all. I’m aware that predicting future success of upcoming cards is an ungrateful task, lol

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Even if it sees limited play now. At some point this card is going to be busted if not already.


These look like the most on message Pally cards I have seen in awhile.
You make tokens and you buff and protect them…

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I love the flavor of trust fall xD. The idea of them getting squished together at the work retreat lol

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Vacation planning is a literal broken in a vacuum card.

Any deck that isn’t flood paladin(because that one just finishes the game turn 4) gonna run that.

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Not really, the 4 slot has fierce competition

For aggro/flood yes you’ll want boogie down to summon betfer stuff, or aura or flash sale if you’re already ahead in board
For handbuff, you’re not gonna give up turn 4 painter’s virtue.
For earthen, well the 4 drop is a 4 drop, and in earthen you might not want to summon recruits to mess with your res pool.

This basically leaves reno and maybe excavate decks, and also tourist decks since tourist probably has some combo they want to draw/heal into, and maybe you’ll run sea shill which discounts it. Tourist probably has the most potential since people before expansion release theorized some crazy burst combos, so more draw may allow to pull it off faster/more consistently.

Maybe half the decks would use it, but it’s the half that is less meta now. It’s too early to say it, but I’ll make a little wager: handbuff will still be good. Might not even need to swap cards around to adapt to the meta. It survived for this long.

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I can tell most of you haven’t played flood paladin: that card is obscenely expensive and slow for it. When it uses 4 mana it must do big things that aren’t wipeable by 2-3 mana AOEs; it must be ready to kill opponent heroes before round 7 or it’s totally dead; ain’t nobody got time to waste mana for healing and even the draw is often put on the back burner in that deck.

The only good flood paladin card there is the 2 mana bot and not by too much; the current flood paladin decks are very optimized; to see how optimized they are: in order to use the bot they will probably drop LEGENDARIES (that are more “neutrally useful” and aren’t necessary to build board)


Absolutely. Would never go in any current Paladin deck but i am guessing it works out better in a Mage/Paladin Tourist deck to give the deck board presence where there would normally not be much. Could be very interesting to play with. The flip side if that this card will be around for a while so it’s likely at some point it becomes a staple Paladin card.

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