29.4 Known Issues

Reurn Policy does not discover played DR cards. It discovers cards that had DR when destroyed.

As multiple people have pointed out, there is an issue with mobile ports of the game where one can not open the in-game shop. This has been an issue for a month or so.


Related to the Boom Wrench freeze bug. Just played a game of mech warrior before knowing of the issue, first Boom Wrench I played froze the client to the point I had to restart it, reconnected, played it again with a roughly 5 second freeze before it proccessed. However when my opponent finished their turn Hearthstone closed with no freeze or error message, neither from the game itself or windows. Never experienced that kind of crash before. Same kind of crash happened upon playing Part Scrapper while having the mini Boom Wrench equipped.


On an android phone, the hardstone store is closed, for the second month now, is my topic being ignored?


Last game I played Wave of Nostalia, my Tinyfin Turned into a Malygos but still had the Tinyfin picture. When opponent targeted my Maligos with Reverberation game crashed

Is Floppy Hydra not being pulled by star eyed seeker being tracked. Dont see it here but community manager said its logged



Je me suis aperçu d’un bug lié aux tonneaux de limon et aux pestes.

Lorsque des cartes peste sont ajoutées dans un deck ayant des tonneaux de limon en fond de deck, les tonneaux de limon disparaissent du fond du deck et se retrouve ailleurs dans le deck.
Cela brise tout la mécanique des démonistes.

Merci d’avance de faire remonter ce problème.


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I played a Ball Hog, then my opponent made it dormant with Sheriff Barrelbrim. While it was dormant, I tried to use Return Policy to get another one, but Ball Hog was not an option, despite me having played it already.

The store in hardstone has been closed for more than a month, I’m playing from an android phone, go to this topic, I’m not the only one who has the same problem!!


There seems to be a bug that a friend and ai experienced separately - when clicking the friends list we get locked out of the game and have to click back to be able to interact with the client and menus. Texting friends is also not possible in game on mobile. Seems to be both on Android and iOS as both of us have different operational systems. It started happening after I got an update a few hours ago.

Bug. iPhone. Every login downloading 3+ Gb even if you waited for full load earlier

hi folks, i just started hearthstone.
there was a new message; denathrius will be available in BGs as well as quests from turn 4.

this is the last season isnt it? so is this a false update message?

Wheres my skin Fairytown Greybough? It has been removed from my colection.
Also Narratir Hartley is without voice on mobile (Pt-Br)

patchly reminder that you still have not fixed these achievements:


I play on Mac and cannot connect to a game. After i have found an opponent i just get endless queuing time, before reconnect error message and then i have to restart. Still can’t get into the game to restart, either enough time has passed so that i have lost or it will try to connect again and then just fail.

When will the store in the Hardstone game be open? It’s been going on for 2 months!!!


I’m having issues logging in on the iPhone. It takes me to Battle.net and I entered successfully my account but it says: “Switch accounts to continue playing” and it does not do anything. It stays in the page.

I can play using my iPad.

I reinstalled the game. Same issue.

I am stuck on onyxia of the void 6/8 puzzle (book of mercenaries, mage).
the cards cost changed and it cannot be completed


Several people have reported this now but there’s a chat bug that FREEZES the entire game when playing battlegrounds duo on mobile devices. The only way to fix it is by force quitting. People have reported this on android and apple phone and tablet. You can’t communicate to your partner at all anymore, or speak to friends.

So mirage’d minions with Miniturize work, but Gigantify apparently doesn’t