The store has been closed for a month

You can see from the link that the store is closed!!!
Hello, the store has not been working for like a month, I reinstalled the game, nothing has changed, when will it be fixed?
Today 06/15/2024 the problem has not been fixed.


If you’re the only one experiencing this problem, then the source is probably on your end.

You’ll have to do something more pro-active than waiting.

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do you play on a mac?

there is an issue with the store on mac theyll fix next patch in a few days on mini set release


I’m not playing with a mac, my android phone, the store was open a month ago

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I’ve tried everything I was told and submitted many tickets, they don’t know what to do and it’s quite common. another update has come through and it STILL wasn’t fixed. I’m sure many of you feel the same and are really hoping they fix this with the new mini-set update. That seems what we all are down to.

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Incorrect, it’s very common after the update before last. There is NOTHING, they can find to fix it :confused:

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The problem seems to be across all platforms

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Today’s update has not changed anything, the store is still closed.
I have already accumulated almost 3,000 thousand gold in a month, since the store has been closed for a month, there is nowhere to spend gold…

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And no mobile fix!! Only mac and pc got a patch/fix. WTF?!!?

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The store is still closed and apparently it happens to a lot of people; There are many references from a long time ago, but I don’t see any response from those responsible. Shameful…


Yea thin is a new bug though. It happened to all platforms two patches before today’s. They addressed the problem only for pc and mac and left us mobile players out of the mini set :confused:

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Here is a screenshot of the fact that the store is not working, I hope one of the developers will come in and see this, there will soon be nowhere to put the game gold, I will become a millionaire.
Today 05/15/2024 the problem has not been fixed.

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do yall live somewhere other that the usa?


I don’t live in the USA

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maybe the blizz shop is against a law in your country?

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It was not banned a month ago, but now it has suddenly become banned, isn’t it strange?

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if you wish to spend real money, i think the store on the website works

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It’s not about real money, but for the game gold, which I can’t spend.

Will there be any response from the developers/moderators?

Please post in this thread who still has a closed store!!!