28.2 Known Issues

encountered a game-breaking bug with the newest Reno her card, when you use or randomly generate a ‘Disguised K’thir’ minion and it cycles through to a ’ Reno, Lone Ranger’ from your opponent, and you play it with the singleton criteria active, it triggers the sandstorm effect on your side of the board and it is perpetual, it doesn’t dissipate after a turn like it’s supposed to so you are stuck with only being able to play a single minion per turn (assuming your opponent kills the one you played previously) otherwise you’re stuck playing only spells until the match resolves.

Hello blizzard support guys, I got still problem with my cardback „Boomsday!” I have finish multiple times this puzzle adventure and don’t give me card back, only showing empty chest. Can you please fix it? :blush::sunglasses:

Cannot get the signature of the back of card after clearance of the Dr.Boom’s solo advanture after 28.2 patch. Even though I played again, I cannot get the back of card of the Dr. Boom.

There’s a tip during finding opponent that says:
“This tip was removed. Translators: please leave this blank. Blank tips are skipped over. For devs: when adding new tips later, feel free to use this slot (and update this comment).”

I think this is not bug but funny easter egg from HS team to make us smile :cowboy_hat_face::slight_smile:

I wish there was acknowledgement about the glitch where some are unable to use battlegrounds boards we spent money on.

Makes me afraid to spend more money in the shop


agree , having bugs on paid parts of the game and not doing anything is the worst case scenario , and i suspect this is bugged for anyone with a single paid board unlocked.

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Playing a match in Battleground on IPhone still had plenty of time left during shop I was using Demons summoning selling cycling like normal only me and another player left notification said “you have no more minions” and it killed me like if I had gave up has this happened to anyone else or explanation why this happened? If had plenty of health plenty of time 30 plus seconds atleast and was in the shop not in battle

Still nothing on this issue, i still cant use the rafaam hero

Still cant equip new battlegrounds table skin - I don’t believe spending money to trigger it to work is the correct fix, besides - there’s no other boards in the shop at the moment.

In Mercenaries, I’m getting locked out from selecting the encounter before the boss fight. It has happened twice now. I think it happens if I close the client (mobile, Android), during the encounter before this: after winning but before returning to the map.

The cards listed above, plus the cards updated in Patch 28.2 (Fate Splitter, Monstrous Parrot, Counterfeit Blade, Dwarven Archaeologist, and Madam Goya), will be eligible for full dust refunds for at least three weeks following Patch 28.2.1.

Inquisitive Creation
Battleworn Faceless
They can’t even get a full refund, I’ve already restarted the game.

The modified cards in Patch 28.2.1 were supposed to have three weeks full dust refund, it was capped on December 8th, but after this patch you can’t not get full dust refund before the 3 weeks.

28.2.1 Patch Notes - Hearthstone (blizzard.com)

Friendly Fire Achievement

Still unable to progress. Has been broken since 2 years ago. Appreciate if this can be fixed, thank you!

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Hello, I still have this problem: “players having issues if they complete the Apprentice Track without completing the Tavern Guide”. Does anyone know when it will be solved? Thank you.

Hi, here to report a bug. every time i play reno (lone ranger) is played in standard and then enemy next turn also plays reno the boardstate stays the same (looks like they can only have one minion but they can have up to 7)

Fragment of Mi’da doesn’t cast when drawn if drawn via Sir Finley, Sea Guide.

Not sure if intentional but it does feel weird. I know it’s swapped but technically it’s drawn right? If Quickdraw and other on draw affects, IE Plagues, work, shouldn’t Fragment of Mi’da?

When playing battlegrounds with a friend we met each other, on my display I lost and died, on his display he lost and took damage. We both lost our games, the two displays did not sync, they showed us 2 different outcomes, of the same game. And when we checked our last combats, it showed that we both took damage. When I died I went to spec his game and the same thing happend multiple times.

CHORAL MRRRGLR is not working and I don’t see anything saying it was fixed I lost my match because of this card and I’m a little annoyed.

please be aware that mecha’thun is bugged and freezes the game with some decks. that needs to be on your priority list because right now the card is unplayable in some decks.