28.0.3 Patch Notes

28.0.3 Patch Notes

Patch 28.0.3 is a data-only patch containing

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Paladin is still super strong and looks like not much have changed


What about the bug to get diamond elise?


Who is having fun? With 5 turns games?
Are you mocking with these nerfs?
Sharpshooter’s problem is how much damage he deals and draw cards, not in HP. :see_no_evil:
Azerite Snake will turn the game into Warlockstone. 4 mana makes 14 hp difference.
Bye Heartstone I’ve been with you since 2014.
It’s imposible to enjoy the game…


Youve done almost nothing and still cant get rid of cheaters or offer a good game exp


Merc exp nerf still not reverted?
Or the goal was to artificially inflate the popularity of battlegrounds?

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Are we ever going to get Xy’mox fixed or addressed? If you play him infused you get locked in the animation and have to alt+f4 and get back to the game quickly. There are multiple topics on this so far and no dev responses.


same here, so tired of that brainless cards design…


THAT’S IT? You’ve been writing this for a month? Do you have developers playing the game?

The paladin was barely touched, the druid wasn’t touched at all. It’s a joke, some archetypes weren’t resurrected, they didn’t even try.

Thank God I didn’t buy a pass.
Such cool themes, such nice mechanics in the latest add-on, such interesting combinations and only you could screw up the balance so badly, that was the last time I tried to play a Hartstone Ranked game.


lol a lot of you are not very good at this game and it shows


I like the battlegrounds changes, pretty good adjustments.
The only questionable for me is the Phalanx change, maybe it is still going to be too strong.
The constructed changes are pretty bad, maybe I’m just not good enough to understand them.
I don’t see how hunter, DH and paladin won’t dominate the meta still with such a small adjustments.
This is just my take, but in my opinion many other cards deserved nerfs too.

" Dev Comment: The team is pretty happy with the launch of Showdown in the Badlands. We’re seeing players having fun, exploring, and having success with a variety of decks and strategies" HAHAHA!!! This must be a joke…


Ya. I’ve seen mostly Aggro Paladin, and that deck kills you way too quickly to run a card like Order in the Court. Crusader Aura, Garden’s Grace, and Keeper’s Strength are much bigger problems. Keeper’s Strength is especially puzzling because aggro decks aren’t supposed to have access to board clears. Though control Paladin archetypes (e.g. Big Yellow Men) kinda do need the board clear ability.

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Congrats on letting paladin continue to have a 2 mana spell that reads “put your best cards at the top” thankfully next major set release it will rotate out.
Crafted parasite for cleave hunter which was a fun deck to play for almost a month. Didnt know the nerf would come this fast or I would have passed on it. Same thing happened when I crafted Hound Hunter. Ill save remaining dust for the next rotation. Its tempting to craft Reno but the whole plague DK ruining the deck is preventing me from doing that. It was fun hitting legend but guess I’ll just d5 and dgaf lol.

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Hard at work yet again.
3 nerfs :innocent:

Make sure you don’t fall behind on the Twist Format with all these huge updates.

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by beeing now an 1/3, most of the spell (and cheaper ones so) can control it and the struggle that some more aggro deck had against it is reduce. that what we call a nerf, and not just killing a card and by extension killing a deck. dh naga will still strong? probably, but more balance.
I m actually more concerned about the paladin situation, the nerf make his middle/late game ‘‘slower’’ to arrive but i still feel concerned about it.

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" Dev Comment: The team is pretty happy with the launch of Showdown in the Badlands. We’re seeing players having fun, exploring, and having success with a variety of decks and strategies"

I think week one this was the case. We are not exploring anymore lol This expansion for me has gotten stale. A lot of the new decks are not viable. I like having variety.

They are about a month behind in knowing how the players feel.

we know what this patch is. a total screwjob to lower MMR players from ever getting higher MMR. making it easier to get certain minions, making murlocs even more powerful and destroying any other comps.

No collection bug fixed, 26 out of 27 since expansion came out, no magister dawngrasp unbanned, funnel cake achievement bugged for like half a year now; basicaly you did NOTHING. Fast on taking money, slow and clumsy on doing the work.


They nerf two decks irreparably that werent even close to being top of meta and leave paldin and druid all the same.