28.0 Known Issues

Same to me on desktop, and EVERY Celestial Breath cast cause this error.

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Still the achievement refreshing vendor isnt counting!

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It seems that Reska and new Elise skins don’t have their hero power animations. Also a little reminder, Lana’thel has a broken entry animation on PCs. It is a shame that for while now there has been little to no quality control for premium skins :frowning_face:

Just discovered a strange issue where achievements are being marked as completed in the future.

See screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/2yXKuJJ

Note that I did not adjust the my local time on any devices (which if I had, might explain this).

Also, in my case, these happened with achievements that had already been marked with the correct date when they actually were achieved. For some reason, at a later point they got “rewritten” with completion dates that were (and even still are) in the future.

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Hi, there might be a new bug

After logging in to the game using ios, I cannot switch my account. For example, I cannot switch from account A of UService to account B of UService, but can only switch to other servers


Magister Dawngrasp (the hero card) is bugged for all platforms. After using the ability, 2 outcomes are possible to happen: You either get disconnected and then you are able to reconnect or the game freezes for good. No way to end the game other than closing the game.


im suprised to find the known issues OP was updated but the magister hero power bug wanst added to it

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bug when using spell, match breaks and says reconnecting, everytime

Adding on to Dawngrasp, seems to be various animations. I also noticed it with Artificer Xy’mox (Infused) the animation stalled. I did it when I was roping, and my opponent effectively lost their next turn because of this bug. It’s very obstructive to gameplay and can be abused and should be resolved asap, please.

soul seeker seems to create un-interactable cards if it pulls a titan

Since the server patch yesterday I’ve got the red exclamation mark on my Battlegrounds collection.

It shows that I have a new Board skin but if I click through my collection there is no new skin and the “red 1” remains.

“only have one turn to use this card” and “your immune for one turn” doesn’t last one turn and rather only lasts until you click the end turn button and immediately gets nullified. These cards only last half a turn so cards that say “only have two turns to play this card” is rather one turn. I don’t know if this is in normal games, but this is a big issue in the ashes of outland solo adventure. I hope this gets fixed.


Battlegrounds Felemental is buffing anything that has it’s buff.
Running Rylak metalhead and felemental will literally make your board huge as the felemental buff get’s updated to the new buffer version after rerolling once in the buying phase

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“Your turn” is a turn. “Your opponent’s turn” is another turn.
You want the effect to last two turns, but that is not what is printed on the card.

No not at all, lets make a scenario! Its the opponents turn and they put a spell on my card in my hand saying it has one turn to be used, then when they end the turn my card gets removed, without me ever being able to use it. I watched older videos on hearthstone just to make sure that I’m not incorrect and yes this is an issue. Another example is a card that keeps you immune for a turn, but Isn’t because one turn is from you, to the enemy, back to you. That is a singular turn but instead its lasting half a turn. I hope that makes sense!

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Similar thing happens with one of Nightbane’s abilities and with one of Siren’s abilities when fighting Queen Azshara

Twist uses Standard Boards instead of boards from expansions that are available currently. This issue has been happening since official launch of Twist. It’s killing the immersion.


Add to the known issues, please:

And switch state later to “Resolved” …


Chittering Tunneler is still not working. It discovers a spell, sure, but no damage is dealt. At least not while testing in Rastakhan’s Rumble. Several bug reports in the past weeks seem to point it not working as well.