28.0 Known Issues

Battlegrounds Felemental is buffing anything that has it’s buff.
Running Rylak metalhead and felemental will literally make your board huge as the felemental buff get’s updated to the new buffer version after rerolling once in the buying phase

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“Your turn” is a turn. “Your opponent’s turn” is another turn.
You want the effect to last two turns, but that is not what is printed on the card.

No not at all, lets make a scenario! Its the opponents turn and they put a spell on my card in my hand saying it has one turn to be used, then when they end the turn my card gets removed, without me ever being able to use it. I watched older videos on hearthstone just to make sure that I’m not incorrect and yes this is an issue. Another example is a card that keeps you immune for a turn, but Isn’t because one turn is from you, to the enemy, back to you. That is a singular turn but instead its lasting half a turn. I hope that makes sense!

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Similar thing happens with one of Nightbane’s abilities and with one of Siren’s abilities when fighting Queen Azshara

Twist uses Standard Boards instead of boards from expansions that are available currently. This issue has been happening since official launch of Twist. It’s killing the immersion.


Add to the known issues, please:

And switch state later to “Resolved” …


Chittering Tunneler is still not working. It discovers a spell, sure, but no damage is dealt. At least not while testing in Rastakhan’s Rumble. Several bug reports in the past weeks seem to point it not working as well.

Hi, first time posting so i don’t really know where to say this:
There’s a “big” issue with Long’xin first ability: “celestial breath” where its animation plays out a loop of winding up. You’re forced to quit hearthstone and reload the game to continue on playing.


Update: it actually is bugged for the ability, not the mercenary. Sometimes the game simply disconects you from your run, sometimes you need to reset the game.

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This is barov’s skin. Hero was deleted and you cant see it. Just press “all heroes” and found it.

It is not Barov. It is a new board skin but there is no new board skin in the collection. Other players have reported the same issue.

Dawngrasp hero power seems to be bugged. After use, a fire appears over the hero power and all interactions stop until you restart game.


On mobile, I was disconnecting every time my wild opponent used magister dawngrasp hero power. The final blow was with the hero power so I couldnt tell my opponent about it.

Hello, I want to report a bug.
Catch-Up doesn’t have duplicats protection. I got 3 legendaries but only 3 which I already had but golden ones.
Before todays opening I have some missing legendaries form previous expansions.

Misfire doesn’t work with Nagaling (at least when played in the same turn as School Teacher)

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Which Legendaries did you get? And which are you still missing?

Catch-up packs give 1 (or more) card of each of the last five expansions. But as far as I know, duplicate protection is still per expansion. So if it rolls a Titans Legendary that you have, it will reroll into another Titans Legendary that you do not have yet. If you already have all Titans Legendaries, then it will not reroll. Even if you are still missing a Festival Legendary.

What does “doesn’t work” mean? It does not fire at all? It fired your own minions instead of the opponents minions? Or that it fired random minions when you expected to be able to target it?

Note that spells that are cast by minions or by other spells ALWAYS use random targeting, you can only choose targets when the spell is targeted AND when you cast it yourself, by dragging the card from hand to the field and paying the mana cost. So when Misfire is taught to a Nagaling, the Quickdraw effect is irrelevant - instead of the spell picking random targets, it is now the Nagaling picking random targets.

The bug with Dawngrasp’s Hero Power has progressively gotten worse. Now you receive an automatic loss even if you try to reconnect to the game.

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Reno, Lone Ranger text is misleading. “empty the enemy board and limit it to 1 minion for a turn”, why doesn’t it say “limit it to 1 spot” instead? A sargeras or rheastrasza portal isn’t a minion so they should spawn according to his battlecry.

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This is driving me crazy!!