27.0.3 Patch Notes

27.0.3 Patch Notes

Patch 27.0.3 includes balance changes to Standard.

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And still 4 months later you didn’t fix a bug that crashes a game after trading a card with trade mechanism. Well done Blizzard, well done.


sargeras skin still bug wtf?

Shaman was obviously the outlier.

All the times, Mage has OTK’d me was at Turn 10+.

Shaman just does it at Turn 6-7 and you can’t even counter it.

Literally all of you that called for a Mage nerf are just trash players. It’s so easy just Dirty Ratting a Mage but nooooooo, mE mAd WhEn MaGe AcTuAlLy PlAyS nOt CoMpLeTe TrAsH oF cArDs.

What a joke community, we deserve what we get. Effing joke that the one got nerfed was Mage and not Shaman.

Please for the love of god adress the bot issue. 80+% of the games I play are bots. Do you seriously expect us to keep playing games where the enemy constantly buffs our stuff, heals us, kills their own stuff and plays things that have no effect over and over? What the hell is this garbage?!


These nerfs are laughable. idk how your team still have a job. I guess we need new leadership again.

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4 months of tradeable effects crashing the game. No fix again? Well, i’m not surprised

Feel any better now?


Lazy nerf of cards that need to be entirely reworked . In fact you should work also on the mana cheating/discoveries/ressource génération that are playing the game.

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I’m good man, maybe i was a little too vocal but i just don’t get it.

In my eyes, Shaman is way better than Mage.

I have mostly enjoyed Druid this expansion and have an almost 100% win rate against Sif Mage yet have repeatedly been OTK’d by Shaman on Turn 6-8 too many times, so it just seems weird to me that Mage got nerfed.

Maybe i’m biased because Druid is favorable against Mage but Shaman feels sooo strong. If they really wanted to do nerfs i would expect a Shaman nerf on the 5 Mana Aoe Spell or Lightning Reflexes, not Solid Alibi.

I don’t think people understand how weaker Mage is compared to Shaman, they just remember “that one game” where the Mage completely highrolled their Discovers.

Maybe, Sif is a complete menace in lower ranks and that is why the biggest part of the community showed that much hate to it, but in the hands of a skilled player Shaman consistenly OTK’s in Turn 7-8, and if he doesn’t OTK he will leave you with 5 HP and a full board of spell damage minions which if you won’t answer you still lose.

IMO, nerfs weren’t needed yet, but if you are gonna do them have some awareness at least.

Thanks for asking though and being considerate … i do feel better. xd

Filthy spell mage deserves every single spell that’s coming to them.

Since the patch I noticed a bug on the 1/1 magnet mech for rogue. The lifesteal one is giving toxicity and the toxicity one give lifesteal instead. Also noticed some other problems but was not sure if I was paying enough attention while playing my game.


Wow so your balance patch is to change the costs of two cards in a way that will not change anything that is currently wrong with Standard ladder. Good job …

Sensible changes tbh

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Not enough even for a start… but I am waiting for the other big patch you have mentioned… Hope it will be better after that…

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Mech rogue is still horribly broken… shaman is as well but at least it’s not nearly as often qued into as rogue… I haven’t been this frustrated playing a game in a long time

seems it doesnt happen to everyone someone told me he thinks its because of his graphic card

if you report it on the bug forum or techinal issues (i would do it on both ) make sure to tell them your everything you can about what you use to play

are you sure rogue will still be able to coin it on turn 3 to get 2 self duplicate mechs on turn 4?

are you sure ?

  • [Hearthstone] Updated Sparkbots to better match their colors to their effects. WARNING: Wear proper safety equipment and read card texts to mitigate the risk of misplays while handling Sparkbots.

It slows them down by one or two turns. Wow … that fixes everything! The whole expansion is broken. Not just rogues. I’ve gone from never seeing a bot last expansion to 60% of my matches being against bots. The rest are over by turn 7, whether I win or my opponent. Player numbers seem to be falling fast, or at least people playing ladder.