27.0 Patch Notes

27.0 Patch Notes

The age of TITANS is upon us!

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Nice one Blizzard!

Last Patch Notes only one change (Whomper), and this time nothing!

Make sure you are taking breaks with all this work you are doing.

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Hi i tried to view the article but the playhearthstone website wont open for me do u have the same problemn :frowning:

Hi, were those cards really necessary for the paladin? :S +2 attack and +1 cost of spells for the opponent lasting 3 turns; not even with a +1 cap to spells up to 10 mana. Effects that can’t even be muted.
Without balancing the cards requested by the whole community before the release of the new expansion.
Yet another missed opportunity and yet another figure.


Another patch comes and goes, and the Restless Reader achievement is still not fixed :frowning_face:

(Good patch otherwise though)


Duels has completely fallen off. It’s just arena with horrible passives included. Marketed as “the most powerful hearthstone decks” but doesn’t live up to it.

Again, they can do just stupid buffs for crazy divine shield paladin. Palladin really need this stupid buffs. Where is the mana for clear this rubbish? This matchup will be just concede on turn 4. GG

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could you, developers, also take a look at the usual ladder card descriprion? descrease empty space around the discription to do the font larger. Or change some main words to be shorter in localication versions. F.e. battle cry change to B.C. or something, dont reapeat words. Cause in localization description take even more area cause or long words and have very small Font. It is very hard to read. And you need to read cards if you dont know them well yet. Its sadly fun that around all this small font so many free space to fill.

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Why do we no longer get the Festival of Legends achievement experience with this patch any more? I didn’t play a lot this expansion and was hoping to use those achievements to squeeze out a few more rewards track rewards.

Regardless of what others are saying, I think you guys are doing a great job! Always excited to see new Hearthstone content :grin: The new expansion looks great.

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The two cards addition to paladin core cards were completely unnecessary…
The class is already very strong at the moment and will most likely continue to be in the next expansion meta.


I think some of the festval of legends achievemts r bugged and dont progress i hope its fixed in titans.

That is fine, but what does that have to do with them no longer giving experience?

They always do that when an expansion is around the corner. As for why, I recall them answering that in a Q&A but can’t find a source.

Best I could find was a reddit post summarizing it:

I think it was a in a q&A where they said that they don’t want to pressure players into doing old content if they want to play optimaly. The achivements are there for those who want them, but those who don’t aren’t missing out on anything.

wait…this is the “BIG BATTLEGROUND CHANGES”? just 2 quests added? …blizz plssss

I’m honestly disappointed that your “flexible core set” was just adding 2 new cards into paladin. Instead of taking out some problematic core cards and adding in some new interesting ones, you just added in two cards to a class that doesn’t really need any new cards. Hopefully going forward you do more with your “”““flexible””“” core set

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wait what ?
they do pressure us to complete those achievments

because if we dont…we lose a lot of exp when the patches removes it!!!

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well i was just forced to close HS for it to update…so close to getting 1000exp more from achievements

The most noticeable change so far is updated font rendering, at least in some part of the game (shop).

pretty quiet for patch notes.