25.0.4 Patch Notes

Duals? How about tris?

No duplicates would have killed the card

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Pay: 4 heros
No pay: 2 heros

Odds of beter choice incerase with paying.


BOOK OF HEROES Issue after nerfs!!

@Hearthstone …
Unfortunately, you’ve made the VARDEN DAWNGRASP Book of Heroes impossible to complete with the above nerfs!

→ The change from 2 to 3 MANA for the Forsaken Lieutenant means that one of the puzzles for Onyxia of the Void CANNOT be completed … you need to kill off 7 boars to get the Sword of 1000 Truths … but due to the mana increase you now cannot complete the puzzle, as you cannot get enough boars to die.

Please fix. :slight_smile: I’m trying to complete all of the Solo adventures … (and wouldn’t mind a Mage pack).


They don’t care enough to fix the other issues that made the current one impossible in parts, and the issue with the scroll achievement.

Doubt they’ll fix this…


always hated the hyper specific puzzle sections of single player areas. especially later ones, makes the damn things unplayable as you have to trial and error every single option without really knowing what the hell will happen.(unless you committed it to mermory)


Your updates are just rubbish.

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why? they already fixed an issue with nerfs making puzzles impossilbe to solve before when when dawgrasp hero power was nerfed

Holy Light, you literally need to set reading comprehension to “1.” I spelled this out in my post AND gave two examples with ongoing issues with the most recent single player adventure they have been told about and ignored since launch.

I get they coded you this way, but yeesh it gets old.

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for some reason you seem think this is special
different than when they fixed dawngrasp hero power

and you refuse to explain why(when you start rambling about codes is when i know there is something you refuse to talk about )

keep trying to defend the company’s failure to fix other issues from their most recent single player adventure and continue to act like your question wasn’t answered.

Terrible trolling from company troll bot is terrible.


Sometimes you are right and you don’t even get to feel good about it. So after I said what I said above, I played some games and checked some stats. The game is basically broken now. Turn 8 doesn’t exist. I had to switch from blood DK to cancerous Sinful Brand DH and I don’t even feel bad about it, because it’s literally not fast enough now :D. The game is so FUBAR, that my winrate is actually kinda balanced, because I kill some people on turn 7, but other people can kill me on turns 5 or 6. That’s the game now …


how about investing the time you spend crying in learning how to play the game, maybe then you could see turn 8.

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Why would I want to see turn 8, I win on 7? And some decks can do it even sooner. Control was gutted, aggro is the way. I cry about the state of the game, not about my win rate. If you spent the time you spent writing your nonsensical reply learning how to read, you could see great returns in the future :smiley:

PS: regarding my win rate, I’m 21-13 W/L on the DH deck I switched to recently. Doesn’t mean I enjoy the fact my control decks are done and over.

having trouble loading hearthstone today should i reinstall?

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So no frost nerfs i see.

Why would there be they just buffed it lol.

Rogue needs to be no1 on the list right now frost is tier 3 at best.

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Ya’ll just need to admit you f’d up and revert ren and nerf DH and Rogue. Your player base is going the way of WoW a year ago. Step up and do better.

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Every comment that mentions the Renathal nerf being awful gets a ton of likes. I don’t see how Blizzard serviced their community with the nerf to Renathal. Looks more like they backstabbed their own community.

Coming from a player who has spent more than $8,000 on this game and played since GVG.

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nerf shockspitter please. Why are you nerfing Sire Denathrius while letting hunter to hit 10*2 damage by 6 mana? (shockspitter+bronzebeard) with having tens of thousands ways to take it back and reuse for more and more damage? you can literally end your opponent’s game while your opponent is full in health??