24.2.2 Patch Notes

2 less freezes for mages HAHAHHAHAHA


yah the devs are clueless! you all should find a new game!! i lost hope for this game. im not gonna play this expansion anymore

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joke company. mage still almost unchanged

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They nerfed Denathrius pretty hard. You canā€™t Brann ā†’ Kaelthas ā†’ Denathrius now.

yet most classes still can manage a 30 dmg denatrius. thats against blizz logic on OTK. they said many time they are against OTK decks. and yet here we are!!!

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so you think imp locks or skeleton mages doing 30 35 dmg with denatrius without brann is okay? you dont think that do 30 dmg heal for 30 and get a 10/10 body with lifesteal is A BIT MUCH FOR 10 MANA? can you compare that to any other 10 mana card and say its the same or just as good? this DESTROY any 10 mana card ever printed. its like 4 5 time better than anything for that price. yet you dont see the problem?

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This kills quest hunter completely. Barely touched druid, mage, and rogue. So now weā€™re even more limited in top tier decks

Kael change hurts everyone but druid, because theyā€™re the only ones that exceed ten mana. So Kael>Brann>Den combo can only be done by druid now.

Cannot believe Denathrius was not changed. Itā€™s the elephant in the room for standard. This brings druid up to the lone top tier class, with big spell mage benefiting to the slight nerf to spooky.

Total fail on the devs.

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Really enjoyed logging in today to find my current duels game hot-fixed and my run completely unplayable. The least you could have done is ended the run and given me a ticket for reentry. Went from 4-0 to 4-3 because the treasure/passive combination was nerfed into unplayability.

you forgot to say aggro druid is now gonna dominate. now that starfish come 1 turn later.

Fed up of 9/10 games being against druid. Even after nerf Druid Denathrius stone is constant, i end up auto conceding the moment they play guff and got the mana crystals going, itā€™s just wasting my time, thereā€™s no ā€œit can go either wayā€, itā€™s druid WILL kill you. So move on. I may come back next expansion, maybe not, but for now Iā€™m out. Laters gaters


i would also like to point out that the kaelthas nerf dont change a damn thing cause we have this little guy called mailbox dancer!!! sooo anyone can save their own coins to be able to brann denatrius once again! or you knowā€¦the normal coin lol

i cant believe starfish got nerfed that was a surprise didnt think it
needed one


Geeā€¦ did you guys even read the notes? Or just look at the cards and knee-jerk? They were pretty explicit in the intro that they acknowledge that they were very selective in what they hit and knew that they might need to revisit but they wanted to see how these nerfs affected the game before doing more.

Guff nerf seems to be exactly what most people clamored for: Empty Mana Crystal. That definitely slows the ramp down by one mana PER TURN. Curious to see how that will play out. I think this nerf will be a lot more effective than many in here seem to suggest.

Edwin was certainly expected. They said as much immediately after the buff went live, but it was too late to undo it at that point (which I think was a cop out, but oh well). I think Rogue will still be ok.

Dawngrasp and Nightcloak are huge hits to Mage, affecting both itā€™s mid-game and late-game play. Iā€™ve never played either of the archetypes, but they were fairly high performing decks, so maybe theyā€™ll be ok. This is a big hit; I hope not too big.

Hunter Quest is significant. But even as a staunch defender of quests, Iā€™m kind of ok with this one. Hunter was a top performing deck, so this isnā€™t unreasonable, especially considering the nerfs to Mage and Druid. The nonsense about it being frustrating to face was a throwaway comment in my opinion. This was about performance, and a nerf here isnā€™t unjustified. I just hope it can hang on to Tier 2. I really enjoy it.

KT nerf to 8 is obviously pretty transparent. Itā€™s intended to stop the KT>Brann>DaddyD combo. But as many people pointed out, it doesnā€™t stop it for Druid, the class that probably made the best use of it. Sure some classes can get card cost discounts and may still be able to pull it off, but youā€™ll definitely see this combo with far less frequencyā€¦ except for Druid. :roll_eyes:

Starfish was a big surprise. I guess weā€™ll see if it gets dropped from a lot of decks, but I donā€™t think so. At 4 mana, Iā€™m actually thinking of adding it into my Quest Priest deck.

Iā€™m not really sure why School Teacher needed to go back to 4 health, but ok I guess. I donā€™t know what that does though. And the Paladin buff/revert seems so minor as to be insignificant. I know theyā€™re being cautious and Iā€™m happy to wait and see how it unfolds, but I canā€™t see how 1 health for Bannerman makes Paladin appreciably better.

Lastly, I like Theo, and Iā€™m as surprised as anyone that he dodged the bat. He is in a high percentage of decks, and is among the higher neutral ā€œDeck Win Rateā€ cards. But Iā€™m glad they let him be.

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you only need a coin. which can be given to you for free or obtained with mailbox dancers. the combo is untouchedā€¦ the game have TONS OF COINS to enable that combo again. the fact the devs didnt think of that is SCARY TO ME

So thatā€™s either save the coin for the combo OR add another card to the combo package. Yes, itā€™s still possible to pull off the combo (personally, I never had a problem with that combo), but itā€™s silly to suggest that (outside of druid) you wonā€™t see it with less frequency due to this nerf. It wonā€™t go away completely, but itā€™s harder to pull off and wonā€™t be as common.

i still think that denatrius lifesteal have to go. a 10/10 body with lifesteal that deal ton of dmg and then heal for that much. often 30 dmg and healing in decks like imp lock and spooky mage without brann! the devs have lost their mind

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First game playedā€¦ Played Druid, the guy plays 3 THREE Denatriusā€™s in one gameā€¦ WTF Blizzardā€¦ FFSā€¦ fix your $h!t


But Iā€™m not sure the stats agree with that conclusion. What is the Deck Win Rate for him? In Gold itā€™s 54%, which is pretty good for a neutral, but Iā€™d like to see where it is in Diamond-Legend. And more importantly, where it will be in a week in the post patch meta.

winrate is not the only factor for a nerfā€¦ player frustration is a big one too.

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So basically druid is untouched. The only class that can still play bran-denathrius, kael-bran-denathrius. We are sick of this class copy paste decks. I am not playing this stupid game anymore