you do know druid has 20 mana, 2 more mana just makes it druid only now…
This is a catastrophe. I’m playing Reno-Mage. And 6 out of 10 games are games against a druid. The only chance to win him (with a small probability) is a link with Kael’thas. And now she’s just gone.
ps: sorry for the terrible english, it’s google translator.
what? play kaelthas 8 mana then you use coin you have 3 mana left. you then can bran and denatrius. simple maths! if you didint have a coin you can get one with mailbox dancer…
Game 2, Druid again… same thing… This game has become a boring slog of pointlessnes… just conceded as soon as you see a Druid.
You guys can’t be serious and not hit sire denathrius, he is the main problem, and why our Edwin back to 4/4 he was fine at 3/3 do you guys not listen to the community at all ??? Hit sire make him not endlessly and cap his ability, making the 4/7 guy cost 8 in stead of 6 is good but still sire denathrius needs to be hit asap
Denathrius+ brann combo still viable for druids bad fixes try workhard team 5
Just delete denathrius
still viable for any class who can find a coin from mailbox dancer!
Those are some huge Duels changes.
And who made the denathrius just fire from his/her job omg
What a shame thank you blizzard
By nefing the Guff hero power, they’ve significantly slowed how long it takes to set up the Brann+Denathrius combo. Still, I agree they should have nerfed Denathrius itself (e.g. start damage at 0 instead of 5). Druid probably also needs a nerf to other ramp like Nourish.
Theotar also seems like an elephant in the room (would have liked to see a nerf to 5 mana).
lol, rogue is still broken with 4 mana Edwin. The location is what fundamentally needs fixing.
Here’s a summary for those not wanting to read the entire thing.
• Guff nerfed
• Bunch of stuff nobody was talking about
So no nerfs for aggro druid, what a joke
no thats a BUFF to aggro druid. cause now we can only use starfish one turn later. which will be too late in most cases lol
De verguenza el parche, las cartas más toxicas del juego no son tocadas. Denathrius, theotar, brand.
El “nerf” De guff es irrelevante.
Buen nerf al mago.
Pero en general, no csmbia nada uno de los peores meta en mucho tiempo.
Aburridisimo el juego ahora, casi mejor cambiar de juego, a ver si así espabilan
Does anybody know if there’s a bug with Mysterious Visitor? It doesn’t discount stealed cards…
it will only do it with cards that are COPIED! so anything you like steal with theotar will not count no. i dont think its a bug. cause the card clearly say copied
Thanks blizz I appreciate the balance changes.