24.2 Patch Notes

The only way to buy the adventures or mini-sets is with runestones, I want to pay with card or with gold in the future. I don’t like the direction of where you are going with the runestones or the battlegrounds track. Please get some more feedback before releasing these.

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…why does make such a difference to you to buy the mini set with runestones when you want to spend cash ? (knowing the choices will be runestones or gold)

@Vëon Now i feel even older than i am xD

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One of the classic blunders is still bugged for me

Ever since Activision came onto the scene I’ve seen a marked nosedive in the company actually caring about the product they’re giving the fans as opposed to the bottom line. Starcraft 2: WoL came out 2 years after the merger, but I don’t think they only worked for 2 years on it. First game? Diablo 3 and its real world auction house that became so infamous they had to remove it.

We then got Hearthstone in 2014. A solid game despite some questionable changes originally. But the luster soon gave way to an awful lot of rust underneath when the original team behind the game left. Now we’ve got some seriously suspect decisions in card balancing, “heroic brawls” that are literally just ranked that you have to pay for, a destitute brawl catalog that repeats more often than a parrot, and now Runestones.

Heroes of the Storm came next in 2015, and we all know where that went… It’s basically dead now, but the decision to start up a MOBA a full SEVEN YEARS after the fad caught on…? They baited players from other games a bit into that one with some Legendary skins for Overwatch (namely Officer D.Va and Oni Genji, before they changed them to be obtainable in the vanilla loot boxes), Hearthstone card mounts and special backs, even heroes from their other properties brought into this oddly late game.

Overwatch… Well I mean I love it, but you cannot overlook the predatary loot box system. I still fondly remember playing in the Beta way back when… Wiping out entire enemy teams with Reaper’s ult as they cascade soul orbs onto me (thanks for hooking me into your team, enemy Roadhog!)… But now Overwatch is getting phased out in favor of Overwatch 2, and I’ve got serious issues with that can of worms that I’ll not mention here.

Warcraft 3 Reforged? How did you guys screw that one up? Literally all you had to do was port the game into a better engine, and yet somehow you put out video teasers of a game that was in no way shape or form the same one you delivered.

Next up? Why haven’t you already looked it up on your mobile device? I mean you DO HAVE a mobile device, right? Yes it’s everyone’s favorite punching bag, Diablo Immor-er, Immortal. I mean they let freaking NetEase into the development of the thing.

And of course we have all the obvious bull going on behind the scenes that scarcely need repeating here.

Blizzard, thanks to all these moves I just cannot justify parting with even one thin red cent when it comes to you guys anymore. It seriously saddens me to see the once mighty gaming giant that put out gem after gem after gem in Blizzard Time™ like Diablo 2, World of Warcraft, Warcraft 3, etc, reduced to nickel and diming people like they’re desperate for the cash. I actually had hope when the Activision merger went through that the company would have enough financial stability to give us even more greatness.

Instead here we are today watching the Hindenburg fall to the earth.

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I can actually afford this, but why would I at this point? Thanks Blizz, I quit. F you and your stupid money.

making the season pass cost Real money rather than currency that can be earned in-game has made battlegrounds literally pay-to-win. It is no longer viable to play for free which i have been for the last two years and solidly enjoyed my time. Unfortunately i will not be spending my money.

I believe it’s for the better.
You should definitely get paid for the whole transaction so runestones sound good.

Gimme some “buy x amount and get x + y though”

What time will the new version of battlegrounds be? :face_with_monocle:

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f2p always paid as well before, but with time instead of money. That’s the whole basis for f2p games.
Now it’s not the case anymore, yet they still called themselves a f2p game?

Battlegrounds will remain a free-to-play mode, with more free rewards than ever before.

Not disgusting at all…

Can’t wait.
My comment though is that you shouldn’t hurt the playerbase.
Let everyone being able to select out of 4 heroes and let the paying people able to chose from 5 or even 6. There are so many heroes that it is possible.

Seriously, GET A JOB!! If you don’t like the fact that these developers spend countless hours to bring us the entertainment that our nerdy selves need, then uninstall or get a job and poney up the cash. It’s that simple, But to get on a forum and complain complain complain, just makes you look like a B****. Grow up, get a job, support the devs, play the game. You all have a Consistent need to have things given to you and always gotta make it easy. What, You cant handle the challenge of beating someone who DID pay money for the perks? Who gives a shiz if these developers make some money off us, we literally use their service! Compensation is not only neccessary, it should be expected…jeez, f’in idiots.


Completely disregarding the fact they keep to mention the game as f2p, and completely disregarding the fact many complaints are from players who do pay.

I guess we are the idiots here, lying is OK. You should even reward them with even more money for it.

You act like this is the only game Blizzard owns. Not only that but does everyone need a reminder how much money Blizzard made off of Diablo Immortal?

The Game IS free to play, what are you bi***ing about? You must want these devs to leave their homes and go to work for free, like Their sole purpose is for your entertainment needs. Pay them or uninstall, that simple yo. You want more perks in the game, pay for them. Who cares if Blizzard owns 25 different games…you don’t so you do not get to make the rules. Blizzard makes money because they are a source of entertainment…if you dont understand that, then just keep to your legos.

WEEEU WEEEU hands up !

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In free to play games, you can either pay with money or with time to achieve the same thing. That’s the whole basis of free to play…
You can play for free != free to play. When games have free demos, you don’t call them free to play, do you?



Free to play means free to play. That does not mean free to play is the same thing as someone who put $50 into the game. If you can start up the app and enjoy a few hours of entertainment without spending cash then it is FREE TO PLAY. The world doesnt work for you nor does it revolve around you. In game purchases are in almost every F2P game. Some people may want in game purchasable content to increase their chances of winning because some people arent going to or cant afford to. The world works because of leverage when you learn this maybe you will understand that the world doesnt work for you or your needs.

I have said it before and still doing it. I think weapons to mercenary´s quests shall not include heroic encounter. I have only unlocked a few the rest is just to hard.
And the sunken city is just nuts. I can’t even complete it on normal.

The mode was really addicting and fun and i played it all day long, until you moved weapons to heroic and the new maps became to hard. The mode is not fun anymore its a powercreep like the rest of heartstone. It’s impressive how you managed to turn all fun things into this. Heartstone was not a hardcore game to begin with, but it have all turned into it over the years. Players who don’t spend a hell lot of money done have a chance in the game anymore.
Mercenarys was for me a relaxing fun experiense, when I needed to get away from the traditional overpowered game. But now mercenary are just the same.
Thank god there is great games in the near future. This game is destroyed and time to move on. I have been buying all expansions up to this point, but this is also the last one. I don’t enjoy it anymore. And you said you wanted this expansion to get back to its roots. I can’t see how you did this, it’s still the same one shot mechanics and overpowered minions, so you failed this one.