23.0.3 Patch Notes

The pufferfist nerf probably won’t affect how fast you kill it, but it will likely affect how much resource is expended to kill it for a lot of decks. There are a mountain of things that deal 3 damage and now they don’t need to top it off.


Competent devs.

In fairness, the entire mode is a joke, played on the devs and the company on the players to see how long they can bilk money from them before the players get wise and sue.


Especially the devs and the company!


I’m not sure about these nerfs. I actually felt the playing field was pretty diverse. I was really enjoying ramp Druid and these nerfs are tough. I already struggled against naga DH and to a lesser extent quest pirates - Miracle Growth was one of the few ways to try and stop the bleeding but many times I was just dead anyways. At 8 mana the card does nothing against aggro anymore. While I didn’t play Priest I enjoyed the matchup and the shenanigans they could do with Switcheroo. Definitely lost to that several times.

Even though the power level of these cards were high there were multiple competitive decks for the control player and the aggro player alike. With these nerfs I feel like it’s just created an aggro only environment, especially naga DH. Not sure what the problem card(s) are there but it’s a very efficient fast deck and nothing got touched.

So I guess the TLDR version is I think these nerfs created a less diverse environment.

Mercenaries? Never heard of her!

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I’ve been looking at they glowing changed card in game for Light knows how long. I would have been surprised if they had fixed the graphics.

4 dragons only to trigger Kazakusan?
Oh boy we are going to see A LOT of dragons and treasures the next days…

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agreed. 4 are far too few

would be nice if it was actually fixed. still bugged on mobile and PC. Pretty disappointed as i just purchased this last week and its frustrating to play.


Academic research is bugged, 0 effect now, doesn’t even give empty mana crystals. Just got wiped 0-3 in heroic duels because of it. Want my money back

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It doesn’t work :c im very sad still have the bug in the other adventure.


Wish pirate warrior was nerfed more. No changes to smite feels wierd. At least change that he can be pulled from colossal so easily

wow… @blizzard what did you patch exactly? Nothing, right?
My useless considerations:


  1. It is not the warrior quest that you need to nerf (one more pirate = lol). It is the jaggernaut that needs to be nerfed. Make it possible to be silenced, killed, something.

  2. Kazakusan nerf is not a nerf. It is still playable as usual in a Ramp Druid deck.

  3. DH Lady should be capped to 1, 2 attacks and not infinite as it is now.

  4. Priest silence crap should be nerfed. At least if a deathrattle is silenced should not be considered as a died deathrattle.


  1. Amalgadon should be removed.
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Real Patch Notes:
-Switcheroo, a Hearthstone card, banned from Wild gamemode, a mode literally described on the official game site as “Any card from Hearthstone’s history can be played” *

-Wild mode, a mode where 2,500 different cards exist, has become so predictable that you can tell the exact deck your enemy is playing simply by the hero they use

-Game-ruining “play once to win anything” cards, added by Team 5 for fun, with no counter and no regard for balance/fairness, continue to exist and be used**

-Hearthstone matchmaking is still provably rigged, and not solely based on skill***

-Anyone else want to chime in with their findings? I’m probably missing a dozen other things.

But hey, did you see that new $5 four-second cosmetic effect in the Hearthstone store??? Wow, these devs sure are doing a great job! Look at all the positive comments here! Keep it up guys!:+1:





thats a lie i checked the ramp druid list from before the nerfs they never had enough dragons to trigger nerfed kaz like you claim ( by saying “as usual”)

Once again your Bob’s tavern fix did nothing, it is still not working. How about you just remove the pop-up entirely. We know how to use the tavern.


Having already faced a couple of Quest Warriors this morning, I can say with confidence that the “nerf” has no practical effect on that deck. :frowning:

Not that surprising since it doesn’t adress any of the issues with the deck (stage 2 tempo swing, Cannoneer tempo swing, Juggernaut value, Nellie giving Smite).

*Stage 2 to “draw a pirate”
*Cannoneer to 4 mana and fire 1 cannon dealing 2 damage to minions only
*Juggernaut fire 2 cannons dealing 2 damage to minions only, can only summon common/rare minions
*Nellie cannot discover legendary minions


The best part of the patch notes tbh lmaooo

Buzzard & Warsong Commander say, “Hi”.

Yeah, I feel like they couldve worked that into Bob’s lines instead of creating a pop up to make sure we know what to do every run.