22.2 Patch Notes

they should change the name of the game mode “mercenaries” into “great disappointments”.

hey blizz, admit, mercenaries is a bad buisness model covered up in a even worse game mode!

as long as you refuse to change the economy of this mode, no one will play it, cause you waste the time of your playerbase. its not just disrespectful its a scam!
opened a thread 21. Oct. 2021

nothing changed, still the same problem.
no other mode has this many currencies as this mode.
change it and ppl will start to play it again…

training grounds solves not 1 problem of this mode… stop distracting from the elephant in the room! you want us to accept this model, so you can sell us currencies for ridiculous prices, while you have 0 efforts

the actiblizz community is naive but not that much!

so thx for nothing, we keep waiting for the next “big” “awsome” useless update!

there is a intresting competetor for free arcanium seems to be, what mercenaries wannabe! :smiley: maybe the hearthstone team rethinks his approach, but i guess they wont! :+1: