C’mon, these nerfs are a complete joke, the meta will stay exactly the same, nothing will change, or so little that noboy will notice. Crabrider is the only good target, all the other ones very arguable.
Some time ago, you nerfed the charge mechanic and turn it into rush, mainly because of Leroy Jenkins. And now, you think the Alexstraza rework fits perfect in this mentality, a minion that deals 8 damage to face directly, without even touching the board, it doesn’t matter if you have a taunt or ice barrier or something like that, 8 straight to your face. How many times my opponent just put me in range and turn 9 automatic defeat. In paladin with convictin, they can do 17 damage from hand with Alex in turn 10. It’s insane, and goes against your same logic you applied for the charge mechanic and Leroy. I don’t understand. Every top tier meta deck has Alex in it because it’s so good, except mage because it can’t play any minions.
I hope to see another nerf wave sooner than later, but well done this time, not this “utopia world everybody is a winner” way of thinking, expecting that shaman and deathrattle demonhunter are playable now. C’mon.
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Unbound elemental from 2 to 3 attack. Because that’s why no one used it.
You have two Oh My Yoggs. Mage only had two spells?
If anything, this strengthened the Wild Buff Paladin deck. Getting 3 1-drops instead of 2!
Did you even bother to check the statistics? Druid has two deck archetypes sitting at rank 1 and the class as a whole is sitting at #5 in standard ranked while classes like Shaman and Priest are completely dead.
I don’t know if this was an intended effect, but changing Hysteria to 4 effectively killed Kazakus Priest and Warlock. I’d rather retool the whole deck to work without Kazakus than lose both Hysterias. This hurt quite a bit
That’s what I’m saying! Kazakus is important for these control warlocks and making both cascading and hysteria cost the same as kazakus makes it a lot harder to use. I think that’s probably more devastating for warlock than the mana cost ever will be.
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Yeah I feel like they didn’t even consider Kazakus interaction. And if they have a staple card everyone can play that relies on not having 4-cost cards, you’d think they would take that into account when changing mana costs around.
Edit: I thought he was one of the Core legendaries. I was wrong. Still though, they should have addressed that.
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Ironically, I used N’zoth in my corrupt Druid deck as my only real way to corrupt my clowns. So, this update actually just made that card unplayable. I guess I need to remove my C’thun package and give it a rework. 
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These balances are a joke, the meta will remain the same
Early game nerfs on those quilboars should help a lot preventing players from being carried too hard by bannerboar+brisstleback or golden bonkers allowing them to go to T6 faster than was every possible before. Last week players with multiple golden T5 and T6 boars were the norm. Golden T5 and T6 dragons and elementals can be equally powerful but never were the norm because you cant get to T6 nearly as fast with those.
More players are going to go back to Aldor Attendant on 1 with the First Day of School nerf. Perhaps Righteous Protector will be seen in more Paladin decks now that the 1-drops aren’t so crowded.
beautiful! Now I’m not going to play ladder anymore! thank you for wasting your time “improving” and “balancing” the game, small indie company!! : smiley:
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Still cannot successfully share decks with your friends.
Precisava buffar o mage não, oh porra!
vocês não viram a merda que fizeram não blizzard?
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No Tickatus Nerf. I am dissapointed. Really.
“ Refreshing Spring Water, First Day of School, Hysteria, Crabrider, and Golden Mankrik will be eligible for a full dust refund for two weeks after Patch 20.2.2 goes live”
Hysteria is not giving a full dust refund unlike the other nerfed cards.
Lots of people playing Mage!!! OH MY GOD!! NOOOO (Saracasm)
Lots of people playing a class that doesn’t actually have a great winrate - the community got what they wanted - nerf a tier 2/3 deck but let everything else run rampant - what a joke!
Spells that may be setting things up or reduce costs etc - not everthying is OTK
I think deck of chaos should be even cheaper before it sees play. And cards like tarvish and plauguemaw - omg they are so terrible to play. Yesterday I tried to build a deck to complete plaguemaw achievement. Even for a deck build specially for it, it doesn’t last two turns before it’s dead, usually one turn.