18.4 Patch Notes

There is a new card back coming this week, so the one you want could be it. Maybe this is the right time for Edwin to be a hero. He is wearing a nice face mask.

I think they only nerfing unfair card. You know, turtle mage is uninteractive, secret passage was 1 mana draw 5, and illucia can disrupt your opponent early game coin

Face hunter can be countered by shifting the meta to more controling style. I dont know about paladin tho, i still think they should nerf bragert

Also they should nerf mage card generating tools, too

Priest is not solitaire. Priest is interactive, turtle mage is not.

wdym priest got nerfed 2 times already this expansion

Dang I just hit 7k rating now I will have to start again from zero… rip. Elementals look promising. And why not hit on Jandice or do you plan on buffing heroes now since we have so many that are just straight trash. Like Bartendotron, I see no reason to play him with Omu existing.

When will you repair lags on battlegorunds???

discover still means create a new card, its not ‘draw’
i think i get it, mages use only one copy of other spells that dont troll the combo, so they will have more options to get to choose the spells in their deck they dont want.

also elementals look bad,
what good is mega-windfury with 2-health minions?

why do ppl still even play bg.

This is not true, as demonstrated by how Cleric of the Scales or Master’s Call work. Compare it with Shadow Visions, which does include the word “copy” in it.

Yes, if the card just says “Discover a minion/spell,” a new card is created. But when a card says “Discover a minion/spell from your deck,” then there is no copy created, but rather the actual card is drawn from your deck.

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No. If it is discover a spell from your deck you draw/cast it and then it is no longer in the deck it is in the hand or has been used. If it says discover a copy then the original spell is still in the deck.

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f2p should still get 3 Heroes to choose from in BG thats how it started in the first place.

after patch 18.4 i will stop playing hearthstone, just delete my account because pilgrim has nerf, thanks

Best of luck on your future endeavors!

Would be nice to get some insight on the GA nerf, since GA is the only reason druid has a 55% win rate deck. And why decks with way higher win rates aren’t being
touched in this nerf. Sad to see the only big deck from expansion release survive this long, only to be shot in the head by devs. Gunna be fun skipping turn four to ramp and lack a payoff the following turn unless you’re holding a coin. Don’t worry druid can just hope for a playable deck next expansion!!!

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Blizzard is using a lot of nerfs lately to target decks that seem to play solitaire. This is as much a hit to the noninteractive feel of playing against druid as it is to the power of GA. If they were solely targeting the power level they probably would have nerfed the super uber 5/4-draw-5 beast.

Druid had playable decks before Guardian Animals existed. They’ll still have them.

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Alec Dawson, Senior Game Designer for Hearthstone, shared some of this insight on a Twitter thread (linked below). In short, while Druid isn’t an overbearing presence in the meta, the Overgrowth → Guardian Animals play was a bit too smooth, which could negatively impact the game experience of players facing off against Druid.

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every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.
Together, we can stop this!
Please spread the world. Thank you


I was being sarcastic, enjoy another month of aggro decks and paladin things :slight_smile:


Wait, we can stop time?

priest spends so many turns just trying to extend the game out and keep the opponent from playing anything. in my best priest games nearly every minion my opponent plays is either destroyed or stolen. just because the method is different doesnt mean the result is different, just because priest destroys and steals minions instead of freezing them doesnt mean the deck doesnt feel uninteractive and oppressive to play against, and furthermore, id say the fact that priest can do this with a fraction of the skill and RNG required to pull off turtle mage makes it even more problematic for the overall quality of gameplay, as control/galakrond priest has seen substantially more play and more success than turtle mage.

also, if we’re just going to ban any deck that doesnt interact as much, why not ban frost nova? whats stopping blizzard from banning any card in freeze mage, a deck entirely centered around freezing the board and keeping the opponent from playing anything for as long as possible and then blowing them up with spells? this continues to set a dangerous precedent against high-skill decks that win in more out-there and interesting ways that other players (instead of actually playing around those decks and learning how to beat them) just complain about until they’re nerfed despite their overall lack of impact on the meta.

in fact, this precedent was set years ago with the intense nerfs/bans against mill rogue, a deck that was arguably the most difficult viable deck to play at the time that was barely present at all on ladder but that other players who didnt care to actually learn how to beat it complained about enough to get it kicked out of standard. its completely ridiculous and frankly unhealthy for the game to just nerf/ban cards for any deck that wins in a way that other players might find annoying despite not affecting the meta in any way and offering a completely unique experience to any other deck.

would you have wanted them to get rid of topsy turvy priest? it was almost entirely uninteractive, purely focused on surviving until you can get the right cards into your hand to be able to OTK, it required incredible skill to go off, to the point where theres even a program to practice playing everything fast enough, and it was a minute fraction of the meta. would you have wanted them to get rid of exodia mage? that deck was essentially the same freeze heavy control deck centered around drawing the game out as long as possible and then comboing off, it took a high skill level and it occupied a very small amount of the overall meta. using the same criteria as the turtle mage and mill rogue nerfs, these decks are easy candidates, but nothing happened and everything was still completely fine.

even if you’re happy to not have to play against turtle mage (yknow, the 1-2 turtle mages you have to play against out of like 25 games) you have to acknowledge that the balance team is pushing the game in a terrible direction, where the team will be more critical of any combo-centered or otherwise unique deck that enters the meta regardless of whether the meta overall is negatively affected purely based on the fact that someone might play against that deck, be unable to beat it and get salty because they perceive that deck as unfair. as someone whos favorite style of deck is combo, this is not what i want my favorite card game to become, a game where even the most benign deck is banned for being even slightly uninteractive despite a lack of effect on the meta and a high skill cap.

Yo, punctuation, yo.

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