18.0.2 Patch Notes

I totally missed the removal of megasaur and cannon. This should have a major affect on the meta. Both were OP…megasaur will be missed.

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I told you hsreplay stats are not the best way to predict nerfs but the fact that priest got permaban during last turnement, probably the best class currently with most rank 1. Also it seems that the card will mostly be cut from the best priest deck cause it is not a little nerf. At least that what pro players say about this nerf
I also told you that stealing cards and hands is a bad mechanic and has to be nerfed

  1. Junkbot used to be on 4 an it was super OP.
  2. It summons a 2 star minion.
  3. Virmen have decent stats also.

U good mate? It can drop Kadgar or Microbot, or t1 Dragon. It doesnt mean 2 star minion AT ALL.

It’s not enough. Illucia is still going to delete combo decks from the game. Priest generally tends to do fairly well against aggro, and is insanely strong against other control decks, because of their ability to steal their resources that generate other resources, and so on…and then you give them a card that by itself…kills combo…so then everyone will just play priest or bomb warrior, because why do anything else? It’s the same problem across the board for blizzard games it seems. “Let us show how creative we can be with the things we create, while not worrying about the consequences.”

For anyone thinking “lol he mad cuz he losing to priest lol”…no. I played priest for a long time before this expansion, with the exception of rez priest, and enjoyed the playstyle; but now it doesn’t really have any weaknesses and that just made me lose all interest in it. This one card broke the class beyond repair…just change the effect already.

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Some narrow minded people will try to argue that priest win rate is not good but I totally agree with you, there is a need for more nerfs

No it can not.

20 characters.

Yes it can

Yea you are right, i had to google the mana cost of Khadgar. It summons 2 mana minions that is in the BG pool. Not 2 star minions. It should be 2 star minions instead of 2 mana minions as BG dont use Mana.

i think it’s good to have cards that counter various types of play. For example bad luck albatross and wrenchcalibur will disrupt reno decks, and skulking Geist disrupt jade druid. So good if we have this card to disrupt quest mage and mechathun deck. The only card so far we dont have a counter for is Quests. Even armor has a counter now.

you definitely speak for me! I want it in Standard. either that or make his decks viable in wild.

Nerf this crap lol

Class: Warlock

Format: Wild

2x (0) Raise Dead

2x (1) Animated Broomstick

2x (1) Flame Imp

2x (1) Kobold Librarian

2x (1) Mortal Coil

2x (1) Pen Flinger

2x (1) Tour Guide

2x (2) Cheaty Anklebiter

2x (2) Youthful Brewmaster

2x (3) Darkglare

1x (3) Nethersoul Buster

2x (3) Sense Demons

2x (4) Lesser Amethyst Spellstone

1x (5) Loatheb

2x (8) Flesh Giant

2x (20) Molten Giant


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

HI BLIZZARD! Remember Naga Giants? Remember that you just nerfed Kael’thas and how he could high roll on turn 4? You missed one. This deck is unrefined and can make molten giant cost 0, on turn 4. … You really need to nerf this.

Multiple giants, on the board, by turn 4… Sometimes 5. Constantly refreshing mana. Infinitely cycling mana until you run out of cards.

Sincerely, those among the Wild community that actually care about balance.

Tried to go back to play “bg” I don’t know why but somehow I wanted to play stared at the screen wanted to see my past games and I found out I needed the perks (I forgot) then I remember what I would be missing without them…

Needless to say I alt f4 out of HS.

And apparently it seems you want to move into a worse marketing to almost promote p2p?

Do team5 wants people playing their game or leaving the game? hard to say these days.

Why does the Recruit keyword still exist?
There are so many non-Recruit recruit cards now.
And there are no cards that synergies with this keyword.
And the text “Summon … from your deck” is not that long and would fit on all those cards.
There is 0 reason for this keyword to exist anymore. Just like Enrage.

I was expecting that pepega nerf on priest. 3 mana on illucia nothing changed. Still the card can destroy any compo opponent hand or in general any deck. This card deserved to be at least 5 mana. Blizzard always afraid to nerf hard some cards to be still playable but here we have one insane powerful card that win games. Priest drop this card and instatly win the game.
I really believe that the card will get nerf again in the future but for now Team 5 forces us to endure again this toxic card…

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For the same reason Echo and Inspire still exist, despite other cards having the same effect but not the keyword. Most keywords are kept limited to the expansion they’re released with, per the devs, to avoid overwhelming new players with too many keywords.

Many things changed with murlocs no more devineshields

so… no support for mobile devices? still have to limit myself to playing with a partial download? Still crashes every game on allegedly supported devices?

Cool patch, bro.

Nice! But I think you could just remove the poison from adaptation, not remove the megasaur

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I just remove heartstone and Download Legend of runeterra i Know this comment will remove but i tell Billzard you do realy bad in Balance Standard how dh get thousund nerf and paladin not
liberam paladin kicking a. S. S meta 80% of my matchup is paladin and its not need nerf?too much liberam paladin in standard
Now see some cheat card guys :slight_smile: New epic paladin card 2 mana highest health and highest attack!
Give a minion 8+8+ :flushed: and this go face next turn
2 mana Double divine shield
This cards look like Complete cheat :confused:
Ps:sorry for my bad English

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