It was a solid deck in all of it’s variants but how dare mage be viable and force me to be on a clock!
It’s the same with Hunter class - you’re on a clock as soon as you enter the match. Everyone knows that: I’ve beat lots of Mages and I’ve lost to lots of Mages.
It’s how those particular decks operate. They are designed to put pressure on their opponent from the start.
Waaahhh! The match doesn’t last long enough for me to assemble my 25-card-super-situational-super-specific-one-in-a-40-chance-to-succeed combo!
Same with Priest. I’m so sorry Mage has chain spells/spell combos and Priest has healing. /s
People need to stop complaining so much. You don’t like what you’re facing, concede and move on!
Seriously. 3 hp is not ok on a super-scaling one-drop. I think every single 1/3 nowadays doesn’t grow at all.
Even with ridiculous self-discover chains gone wyrm would still be bonkers. Though I will say that making it 2 Mana deleted it and they really should have nerfed it some other way. Clearly aggressive attack growth is fine on flimsy bodies since Brazen Zealot grows even faster but it’s still garbage because it’s 1 hp.
And yet; Battlefiend exists, lol. But; no. This is about Team 5 constantly making decisions that affect mage more than they do other classes (Mozaki) and choosing to do it when mage has nothing new going for it to speak of. We are stuck to play the same garbage HL mage that everyone dislikes, and yet team 5 keeps cramming it down everyone’s throats.
It isn’t fun to win with RNG, and I’m guessing it isn’t fun to lose to either. But, it’s the one lousy archetype that Team 5 allows mage because they had to be greedy and create DH, so I’m guessing that disqualifies mage from having tempo or burn.
To make it simple, I’m tired of my favorite class not having real cards and receiving immediate nerfs anytime they get anything remotely linear or straight forward to play. I will wait until the Classic rework and if it what i suspect it is, then Blizzard can forget it. I found this game and I will find another.
About time, discover cards discovering more discover cards was just too much. Endless chains into power cards needed to pull a win from the jaws of defeat is a horrible way to lose.
That’s true but, the one cost spells did not exist when Wyrm was nerfed.
They made those after, and every single time We have gotten any type of support for them it gets nerfed.
The Mozaki nerf punishes not only Spell mage but Cyclone as well.
Blizzard is biased and I for one, and sick and tired of it.
There are plenty of F2P games these days.
It won’t take me long to replace this one if they kill Core cards, which will destroy wild secret mage, which is all i play since they forced HL on us. If tempo or burn is no longer possible with mage, then Blizzard just lost a six year customer.
They won’t kill the core cards. But replace them with weird archetypes you never like, I bet they are gonna try to rework Mage entirely with a brand new unknown stuff. Always sticking to the old is never their way, soon HS classic will always rotate like MTG, with only the most basic cards being able to be played every xpac.
And that’s fine. But, the nerf affects mage far more as We only had one new archetype and Team 5 just killed it, after heavily promoting it as a viable deck. Where i come from that is called lying.
Only because they turned Mage into a casino class, maybe with this change they’ll refocus and Mage will start getting tempo cards again. It could be a positive for y’all
And maybe we will wake up in a paradise where bluebirds sing with naked maidens and there’s a whiskey spring.
I have no confidence in the current dev team. I highly doubt they could design a functional paper airplane.
Oh Mally, you make me laugh. Truly love your compassion and I understand, it’s your class and Team5 hasn’t given us much confidence but maybe, maybe things will turn out okay.
I dig ya Mally, I know your complaints come from a place of love for your class and I think you’re honest and forthright with your opinions, most can’t deal with that. Chin up buttercup, don’t let 'em get ya down, Team 5 or anyone else for that matter.