18.0.1 Server Hotfix

Because someone on Team 5 hates mages and they have for years.

I reeeeeally hope they have a reason for this, since i’m gonna have to re-do all my current Mage Decks that were in the oven, depending on how this will turn out for the meta.

It’s like everything Blizzard has done with regards to balance in the past two years. knee jerk and stupid.

They gave up on Mage, because the RNG is soooo overtuned they decided just to outright kill it. Class removal is better than leaving corpse decks on the ladder.

Yup, Azure Explorer - > Azure Explorer is picked like 90% of the time by me. Very rarely would I pick the 5/3 rush one if I was behind on the board.

What I hate most about this ‘hotfix’ is that they call it a ‘hotfix’, even though it impacts the game greatly, much more than a single card nerf.


They are all talent free and should be replaced.

They are not talent free. Because that’s 0%. Their IQ is -1M%. They should rework all cards. But I bet they have a harsher and even more stupid manager who screams “DID YOU HEAR IT! FORUMS WANTS THIS NERF! YOU ALL NERF THE RNG ASAP!”

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Talk about long overdue. This will effect a few cards in the meta, namely Nature Studies and Renew. This makes me think of the number of games during the Rise of Shadows meta where Murloc Shaman would drop an Underbelly Angler. Once you killed it, they’d drop the Angler they generated from their original Angler and just go infinite value aggro deck. Fun times. I don’t think this is going to hurt Mage as much as people think. Not in Standard at least.

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“I’m so relieved, my IQ test came back negative.”

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If you are right it will only be because spell mage wasn’t that good anyhow. Team 5 hyped this playstyle hard and now (how many?)
days into the expansion they kill it? Meanwhile; pally and druid can kill you on turn 5 and that’s fine. No reason to look at those decks whatsoever. This? is the same thing they did to mana wyrm. it wasn’t owning the meta by any means, yet they killed it. Not nerfed it, mind you. Destroyed it. And then; didn’t have the grace to let it be HOF even, so that it would be playable in Wild.
There is a dev at Team 5 that absolutely hates Mage class.

It’s unfortunate Spell Mage flopped the way it did. I actually enjoy playing the deck, but it’s fairly hard to pilot and even when played perfectly loses too easily to aggro decks.

Devs don’t make decision, not even the desginers, but a tiny team manager fed up with sugar at a club in a call. “DEAR WORKERS I RECENTLY SAW A FORUM POST ABOUT MAGE MINIONS HAS TOO MUCH STATS AND WE SHOULD NERF IT BY ONE MANA, DESGINERS, COMMAND THE DEV TEAM TO DO IT ASAP!”

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Nozdormu is an awesome card and is working as intended. It’s not a “bug” just because you don’t like the card.

I think that’s my main sticking point with this patch. They call it a “hotfix”, implying it’s a quick fix to some balance issue or bug. Surely something like this needs to be tested across all sets? I don’t know how long they’ve had this on the working table, but it doesn’t seem for long.


No OG Noz is bugged you dork, has been since forever.


Great news, auto self discovery fix at last.
Finally moving at the right direction.

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Based on this Reddit comment thread by the dev team, Body Wrapper should be able to find itself. As per the post, any Discover effects which pull from a restricted set (spells in your deck, minions that have died, and so on) will work as usual, which means they will be able to generate themselves.

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Thank you!!!

This has been a problem since Primordial Glyph. It doesn’t seem like much but discovering cards like Glyph and Magic Trick continuously offer discounts to numerous spells that shouldn’t be discounted.

That is the problem with cards discovering themselves and has been at least since Primordial Glyph released.

It was a popular one in good old tempo mage.

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Another deck that Team 5 killed. Not nerfed, mind you. Murdered.

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I can’t wait for Mech Mage next expansion…